Chapter 59 - Glam Gas Land

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It was raining now, the climate being warmer near Glam Gas Land. I had sat in silence for an hour, deflecting any conversation Kurapika attempted to make and reflecting on the dreams I had. I couldn't not think of them, so my solution was to pick apart every single piece and image of the nightmare until it didn't faze me anymore.

It wasn't working too well.

"Hey, do you see that? We're here." Kurapika said, his eyes ahead of him.

I sat forward and felt my own eyes open wider, completely baffled at the sight. "That's it? Glam Gas land? Holy- it's incredible." I breathed, my eyes fascinated by the breathtaking display of lights and colors. "Kurapika I've never seen anything like this. Even though it's dreary outside, I mean the lights- wow."

Kurapika chuckled, his eyes staying on the wet road. "I hope you like the rain. Glam Gas Land is known to never stop raining, even in the winter months."

I kept observing the bright lights and buildings that now surrounded the car, glimmering and grasping my attention from every angle. The nightmares were in the back of my head now, and I had officially decided to just enjoy the moments I had.

I only have two months to live like this, no way am I letting some bad dreams cloud my time.

"So, when are we meeting with your friend?" I asked, looking over to Kurapika.

"We'll check into the hotel first, that way you can start unpacking while I contact him."

"So he's already here?"

"Yes, he's been here for a few days."

"Kurapika, do you know exactly what you're helping him with?"

Kurapika nodded, rotating his head and checking behind the car before turning a corner. "I inherited the lineage from a mafia boss I served a while ago, Mr.Nostrade. There was a bit of a break down in the family after his daughter had her nen ability stolen by the head of the Phantom Troupe. I helped Mr.Nostrade earn some money and moved up in the ranks, so when Mr.Nostrade backed down from his position, I was the one to take over organization. Nonetheless, it seems me being a mafia boss has gotten Leorio in some trouble."

"Why would you being a mafia boss affect this Leorio?"

"Power of association. Leorio is one of my closest friends, and he's also a bit of a hot head. It makes sense that he would get in the type of trouble."

"I see."

So this Leorio, he is not the most smart when it comes to dangerous situations.

"By the way, I took your cousin's advice and got the hotel she liked." Kurapika remarked.

"Trisha? Which hotel was that?"

"The Royal Glam Hotel. It's known to be very flashy, I have a feeling you'll know it when you see it."

I looked out the window and squinted my eyes, tracing over every flashy building until I laid my eyes on a rather specific one. "It couldn't be..." I trailed off.

I thought it couldn't be so, but the words "Royal Glam Hotel" cemented the fact in. It was huge, and not only huge, it was just about brighter than a disco ball. There were gorgeous fountains in front of it, and as Kurapika drove closer you could see all sorts of different colored lights reflecting off of the water features.

"It's the most magnificent thing I've ever seen! How- how do people even make such buildings?!" I exclaimed, my eyes laced with shock and fascination.

Kurapika was wearing a satisfied smile as we pulled up to the front of the hotel, the lights getting even brighter as we got closer. A man wearing a suit and holding an umbrella knocked on Kurapika's window. "Would you like me to park your car, sir?" The man asked, his moustache rather fancy, but his personality seeming rather dry.

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