Chapter 51 - Dinner

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The car was warm now, and Kurapika and I were driving in pleasant silence through the streets of Pethmers. "What about Italian? Do you like Italian food?" Kurapika asked, his eyes on a green restaurant that was about two stories high.

"Italian sounds good. You like Italian?"

"I'm not too picky."

I hummed and watched Kurapika as he pulled to the side of the road, his hand gripped around the car's stick firmly enough to make me want to scream.

I didn't, of course.

I entered the restaurant and was met with a pleasant warm scent that stung my nose just slightly. I pushed my hands down into my pockets and smiled, content with the fact that I actually could do such a thing.

I like pants.

A woman came up to me and smiled as Kurapika came into the restaurant behind me, his hair still just a bit messy in a way that made me blush for no reason at all. "How many today?" The woman asked, a smile plastered on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my eyebrows drooping as I focused on her.

"Um... What?" The woman replied, her fake smile fading just slightly.

"A table for two." Kurapika intervened, stepping closer to me so we were now side by side.

The woman nodded and motioned for us to follow her, walking across the floor and up some metal stairs. I followed curiously, examining the room before looking to Kurapika. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head, my face asking him what exactly I did wrong. He shook his head and smiled, holding his index finger up to signal he'd tell me in a minute.

I huffed and hit his finger down lightly, making him laugh gently and look back to the waitress. She led us to a booth that sat right next to a large window, smiling at us again before handing us menus and leaving. "What a pretty view, we are so high up..." I muttered, mostly to myself.

"Why'd you ask her what was wrong?" Kurapika asked.

"She was smiling, but obviously very unhappy. She likely lost someone, in an emotional way. My guess is a breakup, specifically a dumping. Maybe she was cheated on..."


"You're right, it could've been divorce too."

"N- That's not what I was going to say."

I looked up to him. "Sorry?"

"She's a stranger, you can't just ask her what's wrong."

"But she's upset."

"Yes, but normal people wouldn't be able to tell that from just looking at her."

I looked down to the table.

He's right, but I feel bad leaving her alone...

I sighed and picked up the menu I was provided, scanning the numbers and beginning to space out a bit.

"It is sweet, though."

I perked back up and looked to my hunter. "Hm?"

"You, wanting to help that woman. Sometimes I forget the extremes of empathy you have."

I smiled, gazing back down the menu, this time content with the silence between us. After a few moments the waitress returned, setting water down in front of both of us and taking a note pad out of her pocket. "Are you two ready to order?" She asked, her eyes flickering between us.

I looked down to my menu and locked eyes with the word 'spaghetti'. "I'll have, um, spaghetti." I said, looking up to her nervously, as if I were being judged.

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