Chapter 9 - Yet Not Enemies

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Kenta road fast all the way to Swan Lake, and when he got off of the horse he didn't spend even one moment to thank the creature at all.

This is why you need a tutor...

"Hey, Kenta. Why don't we start with a warmup! Focus your energy into that spiritual feeling we talked about last lesson. Then thank Omoshiro for carrying us here using emotional connection." I hinted, dismounting the horse and patting it.

"But that's the horses job? You do not thank a servant for getting you food."

*sighs internally*

I bet Kurapika would understand this concept...

"Communication is all about give and take." I explained. "It's not a parasitic relationship, and you are not the master. There is a respect and relationship that needs to be built spiritually with animals. Once you learn that, you will be able to progress in your training."

"(Y/n), you are very wise. You look very beautiful today, by the way."

I chuckled uncomfortably. "Did you listen to a word I just said? You're unbelievable."

"Why thank you! By the way, I scheduled a bridal gown fitting for you." Kenta said, walking up to me and tucking hair behind my ear. "I thought it best to pick a dress out before you leave, so that you have something to look forward to when you come back!"

"Kenta, I-"

What's happening. Is he, kissing me?

Kenta placed his lips onto mine, his eyes shut tightly and his hand making its way to the center of my back. The kiss felt like putting my lips on any other object, except I wished that it wasn't happening. I wasn't sure what to do, but my heart rate began speeding up as I realized Kenta had no intentions of stopping the kiss. I pushed him away. "We should really get to practicing." I said weakly, thanking the horse before approaching the water.

"...Did I do something wrong?" Kenta asked, following a bit too close behind me.

"You just- didn't ask is all. You lack communication skills even with other humans..." I said, avoiding eye contact by kneeling down by the lake and examining a shell.

"You're mine, I mean, you're my fiancé after all. Do I really need to ask to kiss you? I kiss your cheeks all the time."

"Yes well, it was just unexpected is all."

"Well you know what was unexpected? You leaving as soon as we were supposed to be married."

"Kenta, it's not my decision to leave or stay. Don't get all defensive about this."

"Why are you being so un-agreeable with me, (y/n)? Can't you see I just want what's best for us?"

I can't take this.

"What's best for us?!" I yelled. "You don't care about me! You only care about yourself! Have you ever even thought about my feelings? About how I'm being given away like some possession?"

"You are lucky to be with me! Can't you see that? Your father gave you to me because I'm strong and capable. I'm much nicer to you than the other men of the clan!"

"That doesn't mean I'm in love with you! I can't spend the rest of my life with someone I don't truly love!"

Kenta looked at me in disbelief, anger and pain washing over his body language as he stormed up to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up to a standing position. "I am going to go home and pretend this conversation never happened. You are going to go home and pretend that you never stepped out of line like this. Pick a pretty dress, princess." Kenta spat, his teeth gritted as he kept his grip on my hand.

God, you screwed shit up, (y/n).

What the hell was I thinking?! What have I done?! My dad is going to be furious if he hears about this...

"Kenta, I'm sorry. I just- I'm tired and I don't want to leave and I just-" I froze when I saw a figure standing in the distance, watching in disarray as Kenta kept one of his hands tightly around my wrist, the other being lifted up.

He's going to slap me? I hope it doesn't hurt too much...

As Kenta stuck me I felt a familiar tingle in my cheek.


As quickly as I could open my eyes, a new figure was standing in between Kenta and I. It was the person watching from a distance. It was Kurapika.

Kenta looked at the hunter in anger. "What the hell? Let me go!" He yelled, attempting to struggle out of Kurapika's grasp.

Wait, what's happening?

"I am just doing my job, Kenta. Does it not feel pleasant for me to have such a tight grip on you?" Kurapika asked, his hands securely clutching Kenta's wrists. "Please leave now, I will tend to your fiance." The hunter continued, releasing Kenta and beginning to turn towards me.

Before he could, however, Kenta threw a punch at him. Kurapika dodged it with ease, taking the swords from his back and quickly maneuvering around Kenta. Now the two wooden swords were pointed at Kenta, the tips of them grazing the large man's neck. Ungraciously understanding his defeat, Kenta stood up straighter and stormed away, mounting his horse and kicking it hard.

I winced as he kicked Omoshiro, feeling sorry that the horse had to serve such an aggressive man. "Are you alright? I'm sorry, I should've come faster, but getting your horses to move without kicking them proves to be quite challenging." Kurapika rambled, brushing dirt off of my shoulder and examining my wrists.

Kurapika is already better at communicating than Kenta, and he isn't even part of the clan.

Who is this guy? Are all outside hunters this skilled?

The hunter cupped my face and turned my head away from him. "He hit you pretty hard, the bastard. Any man who resorts to violence in an argument is no man at all. No wonder he needs a tutor, pardon my bad mouthing." Kurapika said, softly touching the cheek that had been slapped.

I winced away and grabbed Kurapika's hand. "Thank you for helping me, I should be fine now." I uttered, letting go of the hunter and walking towards the town.

I hope Kurapika doesn't understand the dynamic between me and the rest of the clan now. He was treating me so well, but if he knew how useless I really was, he surely wouldn't.

"I know we don't understand each other, but it seems that another person to hate isn't exactly what you need." Kurapika said, catching up to me.

I turned around to face him. "What do you propose then?" I questioned, searching the hunter's eyes.

"Maybe— I mean, if you wanted to. Perhaps you could try to, teach me how to understand. You know, teach me about, um, emoting and, thanking... horses." The blonde rambled, gesturing his hands to try to explain better.

I watched him as he prattled on, suddenly not feeling sad or worried. I laughed at his bad explanation and his eyes shot back to me, watching in awe. I guess he had never seen me laugh before. "Judging on how you just described that, I think we have a lot of work to do on the communication side of things." I mused, smiling up at the boy.

"So, you'll do it?" Kurapika asked, disbelief ringing in his voice.

"Well, we are spending all our time together anyways. Plus you make yourself surprisingly hard to hate sometimes." I said, turning my back to the blonde and walking in the direction of the village once again.

Authors note: we vibin out here.

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