Chapter 12 - Trisha

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Waking up the next morning was like waking up after drinking way too much vodka, not that I would know what that feels like. My head and heart hurt and my eyes felt all puffy, making blinking feel rather... crusty. To make matters worse, I had to go to the infirmary today and help my cousin as part of my "training".

I hope Kurapika's feeling alright this morning, I mean he had to see Kouta die too...

Maybe I should ask him and check up on him...

Rolling out of my bed and heading straight for the bathroom, I washed my face with cold water to help wake me up. I did my usual routine, brushing my hair, changing out of my pyjamas, and heading to my closet to pick out the perfect dress.

 I did my usual routine, brushing my hair, changing out of my pyjamas, and heading to my closet to pick out the perfect dress

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(Ah the classic dress of the day~ you know the drill, take it and run with it!)

What a lovely colour~

I tied half of my hair up and left my room, making my way down the stairs quietly as to not wake anyone who may have been sleeping. The top button of my dress wasn't cooperating, so I slowed my descent and fiddled with the fabric. "You're awake." A voice from the bottom of the stairs said, scaring the absolute shit out of me.

I yelped and tripped, falling right into the arms of the figure.

Kurapika, why am I not surprised you put me into such an embarrassing position?

My hands wrapped tightly around the blonde while my feet unsteadily sat on two different stairs. I looked up to Kurapika and felt my face flush just slightly. My eyes were wide and I had the urge to cover my face with my hands, but of course I was a bit occupied. "You, scared me." I breathed.

"Yeah, I figured. Sorry about that." Kurapika replied, his hands steadying me by tightly gripping my waist.

I walked my feet down the stairs until I had regained my balance, and then I promptly pushed away from the hunter, clearing my throat and brushing my dress down with my hands. "That dress is a lovely blue." Kurapika complimented, watching my hands as I watched his eyes.

"Thank you... I'd say it's more of a green."

"Green? You must be mistaken."

"You must be mistaken." I retorted.

Kurapika hummed. "No, it's blue."

"You know, the audacity you must have to come into my house and call my green dress blue is impeccable." I said, my face showing fake betrayal as Kurapika gave me a warm smile.

"Alright, your majesty. My apologies."

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked, skipping down the rest of the stairs and walking next to the boy.

"No, I was waiting for you."

"Ah I see... hey, how are you holding up?"

"I am doing fine, why do you ask?"

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