Chapter 98 - The Want 🍋

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(Due to popular demand, Author-chan has made a discord! The link is in my bio! <3 it's a fun lil place to vibe with everyone else, and I drop little hints and spoilers to my new chapters!)

(WARNING: This chapter contains very graphic consensual sexual content. If you are not comfortable with sexual content please skip this chapter, stay safe y'all!)

Kurapika bit at my lower lip and I smiled, pulling lightly away, just enough to look into his eyes. He matched my gaze and bit down harder, exhaling through his nose and letting the hot air hit my skin. I leaned down and kissed him again, missing his mouth slightly and feeling his hand travel up my thigh.

I shifted myself, moving on top of him and pressing him down to the mattress with my hand on his chest. "(Y/n)- you know— we really— shouldn't." Kurapika breathed between kisses, his hand gripping onto my inner thigh as he spoke.

"Your mouth and your body are saying two very different things..." I replied, leaving a trail of kisses from Kurapika's mouth to his neck before running my lips along his jawline and up to his ear.

"(Y/n)— please—"

Please? Oh we're begging now?

I felt my mind go dark once he said that, my entire body lighting on fire with the power I held in my hands. I smiled and bit Kurapika's ear, pulling it and releasing it while my hand traveled lower. "Do you really want me to stop?" I uttered, making sure every syllable was a whisper of warm breath that hit Kurapika's skin.

And with that, he was gone.

His hands traveled to my hair, the one part of me he knew wasn't damaged. He gripped onto my scalp and pulled my head back, my angled eyes facing straight towards his. "Do you know what?" He began, his breathing heavy and hot.

I stared into his eyes in a shock, looking away when I saw them shift to red, the scarlet burning through me even when I wasn't looking at it. "Hey. Look at me." He commanded after a moment, his cool voice sending shivers down my spine.

I immediately looked to him, as if my body had no control over itself but to do exactly as he told me. He brought one of his hands to my lips and ran his thumb over it, his face so serious it made my heart freeze in equal parts excitement and fear. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out playfully, waiting for Kurapika to crack a smile. He didn't. Instead he leaned forward and took in my tongue, kissing me with enough force to make my bones ache.

After a few minutes he pulled away from me again, his hand tilting my chin up to look into his eyes once more. "I. Will. Break. You." He muttered, his eyes dragging down to my lips, and then lower.

Holy shit.

"But, not now." He finished.

I held back a smile. "Then why are your eyes still red?"

Kurapika pushed me off of him and got on top of me, working my shirt off before smirking at me. "They're still red because I'm not done."

I felt myself heat up, moisture gathering as Kurapika took his own shirt off before looking at me again. "I like it better when you don't wear bras. It makes my job so much easier." He mused, his hooded eyes and toned skin making my own skin crawl.

What did he mean by not done?

"... So your job is undressing me?" I asked, one of my hands gripping against the bedsheets in an attempt to rid some of the sweat that was staring to build.

Kurapika dismissed my comment, simply untying the drawstrings of my sweat pants before looking up to me. "Can I take these off?" He asked, his face flashing the innocence I knew so well.

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