Chapter 49 - Oh, Shiet

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I must have fallen asleep, because the next time I woke up the sun was high in the sky and there were buildings around me. I lifted my head and rested my chin on top of something, my eyes blinking hard and immediately squinting at the unwanted light. "Ew." I grumbled, bringing my hand up to block the sun from my eyes.

"Ew? Not a fan of cities?"

"Not a fan of the sun..." I said, trailing off and realizing just what position I had been in.

Oh, that's right.


I froze for a moment, letting the fact that my cheek was shoved into Kurapika's shoulder sink in. "We are, in Pethaners?" I asked, yawning after the sentence and sitting up.

Kurapika chuckled. "Yes, we've just arrived."

"Oh, fun! Look at the colors!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening at the beautiful decorations that lined the streets. "I've never seen a festival before..."

"We came just in time to see the winter festival, so you'll get to see the best of the best." Kurapika said, rolling his right shoulder back.

"Does your shoulder hurt?" I asked, examining the way his face slightly contorted.

"It's just a bit numb, don't worry."

"Numb? It fell asleep?"

"Just a bit."

"Did I do that? Why didn't you move me?"

"I- I didn't want to."


He cleared his throat. "It would've been inconsiderate, especially when you're like a baby to put to sleep."

I scoffed. "E-Excuse me?"

"You require stories. You can't deny anything."

"Oh hush." I hissed, my eyes scanning the beautiful colors.

"Or what?"

Oh you're BOLD bold today blondie.

"I'll- I'll hit your arm!"

"I'm the driver. I'll crash the car."

"K-Kurapika!" I laughed, looking to the hunter.

He was smiling too, which was an incredible sight to behold. I mean, he smiled a lot, but this smile wasn't soft or small or careful. Instead it was wide and toothy and even though he was still looking at the road, my heart jumped at the thought that I could've caused such a smile. Kurapika closed his eyes for a moment, his face drooping just slightly in a way that made me realize something I hadn't before. "Are you tired? You haven't slept this whole time, have you?"

Kurapika opened his eyes again and turned the steering wheel, making the car turn right and pass a building that had some kind of statue in front of it. "I'm fine, hey, did you see that float?" He asked, nodding in the direction of the statue.

"Is that was that weird thingy is? A float? What does that even mean?"

"It's for a parade. That's why it has wheels, see?"

I looked to the bottom of the float and saw wheels attached to it. "They move around streets as part of the festival, it's quite nice."

I made a noise of interest and faced forward in my seat once more, trying to predict which direction we would go next. Kurapika stayed quiet and I hummed a bit of a song that I had stuck in my head, shifting my gaze to all the new things I got to see. I looked over to my hunter just in time to see him yawn, an extremely cute sight, if I do say so myself. I huffed dramatically and he looked over to me, his eyebrows lifting in a way that asked me exactly what exactly I was upset about this time.

"You need some rest. Let's take a break when we get to the hotel so that you can take a nap." I stated.

"I don't take naps, and we are only here for today and tomorrow, so I doubt you'll want to spend most of it sleeping."

"Oh, bullshit you don't like to take naps. You slept in my room for like four hours that one day."

"That was an exception."

"And today is an exception too."

"I don-"

"Why do you even bother to argue? Do you want me to cry again? Hm? You know I'm good at that."

"You are difficult..."


"Fine. Nap first, town later."

I smiled triumphantly and closed my eyes, surprised at how my body still managed to feel tired. Minutes passed without speaking once more, and soon enough the car was pulling into a hotel. This hotel was much different than the other, looking bland yet refined. It was much taller than the other one as well, being about eight or nine stories high. I stretched my hands over my head and looked to the car door on my side, remembering and rehearsing exactly how it opened it as to not embarrass myself.

The car pulled to a stop and Kurapika got out of the car, opening the backseat and pulling out my suitcase followed by his own. I hopped out of the car and immediately stretched once more, arching my back before reaching for my toes. I groaned and looked to my hunter once more, who was now next to me holding out my suitcase. I smiled and took it from him.

We entered the hotel and I examined it immediately, scanning over the dining room before settling my focus on a sitting area that sat by a fire place. The flames were quite beautiful, and although there was no snow outside, it made me feel rather festive. I switched my gaze from the fireplace to Kurapika, who was now talking to a worker at the front desk. "I'm sorry, there must have been a mistake."

(I was tempted to cut this chapter off here, but I felt nice, so no cliffhangers for you)

I approached the front desk, observing the man working from my place safely behind Kurapika. My hunter turned his head and looked back to me for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows and smiling at me, as if to call me weird for hiding behind him. I simply shooed his face away and looked to the man at the front desk once more. "I'm sorry sir, it seems that we've only reserved one hotel room in your name. We would be able to get you another one, but because of the festival we are pretty much booked out..." The man explained.

Only, one hotel room?

Does that mean what I think it means?

"I see. (Y/n), what do you think?" Kurapika asked, looking down to me once more.

I cleared my throat and stood up a bit straighter as my hunter fully rotated his body towards me. "It sounds fine... right?" I said rather hesitantly, trying to read Kurapika's face so that I would know what to say.

The hotel worker looked to me. "Another room opens up tomorrow, so if you are staying for more than one night you'll only have to share a room for today."

Kurapika looked back to the worker. "Alright, that sounds fine. Thank you." He said, taking a card from the man and picking up his luggage once more.

I followed close behind him into an elevator and sighed, looking down to my suitcase. "Are you upset we will have to share a room? Do not fret, it's only for one night." Kurapika said, his eyes lazily scanning the numbered buttons on the wall.

He pressed the number "4" and the elevator began to move. "I'm not too upset at all. I mean, it'll be okay for one day." I replied, hoping to god that my nervousness didn't come through in my voice.

Sharing a room with Kurapika...

I'm in deep shit.

Authors note: 😏😏😏

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