Chapter 14 - Can I Eat Butterflies?

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Higarami left soon after taking some of my blood, leaving Kurapika and I alone once again. Once the old woman left, I popped out of bed and started to stretch. "What are you doing? Did you not hear your doctor? You should be resting." Kurapika urged, closing his book.

"Oh come on, she's just overprotective. I feel great! In fact, I feel great enough to turn into a hummingbird and flutter away~" I mused, spinning and dancing around the room as my dress spun along with me.

"I'm glad that you don't feel sick, but you have to follow what your doctor says. You heard her, you've used up too much energy." The blonde insisted, standing up and reaching a hand out to me.

I felt a smirk emerge onto my face and I took his hand, spinning myself under it and pulling him towards me. "Do you know how to dance, blondie?" I asked, yanking him around my room and whirling around him.

I kinda feel dizzy...

"I'm afraid I'm not a big dancer no." Kurapika stated unenthusiastically as I dragged him from side to side.

I laughed at his response and let go of him, resting myself against a wall.

Why do I feel lightheaded? Maybe I used too much of my energy after all...

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"

"Kura- I feel woozy."

"Woozy? Do you feel faint?"

"I probably just spun around too much..."

"You are so headstrong. Come here," Kurapika instructed, picking me up and gently placing me on my bed. "I told you we should've listened to the doctor, you dope." He uttered, pushing some hair out of my face.

I didn't feel like talking, so I brought my hand up to his face and gave him the finger. "Why- hey, don't flip me off! I'm helping you here!" The hunter hissed, playfully hitting my hand.

I closed my eyes and smiled to myself, flipping over and drifting off into a sleep.

. . .

"You're the reason you're mother is dead. You wasted a life and now you're wasting your own. Filthy heir..."

. . .

'Filthy heir'

I woke up from my nightmare with vivid images rushing through my head, the words exchanged ringing through my ears. I blinked a couple of times and opened my mouth yet said nothing. My vision was a bit blurred, so I rubbed at my eyes and realized that it was still day.

I guess I just took a nap then.

I stretched my arms above my head and groaned at the feeling of my muscles aching.

"Oh, good morning princess." The voice of my hunter playfully rang.

I sat up and squinted my eyes, seeing the blonde still sitting at the coffee table. "Feeling better now my, lady? Judging by your hair, I wouldn't be surprised if you died in that bed..." He taunted, smiling warmly at me.

He seems playful... I like him like this.

"Shut up blondie, my hair is better than yours any day." I spat happily, leaning over to the bedside table and grabbing my sketchbook once more.

Kurapika laughed at my comment and I watched, observing how the corners of his mouth were pulled up in a charming way. I clicked my pencil and went back to work on my drawing. I needed to do his hair next, but I had been putting it off because it looked difficult. I watched his eyebrows for a bit as he read, examining how they raised slightly when he read something interesting.

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