Chapter 36 - The Party (Pt 2)

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"Kanna! How are you!" I greeted, letting the woman hug me. "You look very well!" I added, grabbing her shoulders and looking her up and down.

"It's the perks of working at a dress shop, plus I just got my roots done!" She said in a matter-of-fact tone, gesturing to her curled bleached hair.

I nodded enthusiastically, turning around to the table that sat behind me as she spoke again. "You and Kenta looked so good out there, what a pretty couple!"

I half-laughed and grabbed a glass that was sitting on the table, facing the woman again. "He is very charming, I've found myself to be very lucky." I replied, smiling to the woman.

She smiled to me and nodded, something behind me catching her attention. "I think there's someone who wants to talk to you..." She said before turning around and taking a sip of her drink.

I turned around and saw Angela staring me down, a rather angry look on her face. "We need to talk."

. . .

Angela had pulled me to a corner of the ballroom behind two tables. The lack of people around made me rather nervous for what she was about to say. Now she was leaning on a pillar and trying to lecture me about something I really didn't want to talk about. "Angela, I already told you, there's nothing between Kurapika and I."

"Explain what I heard then."

"... What?"

"I passed the kitchen on my way here and heard workers talking about you. They were talking about how you're in love with Kurapika."

"Angela, I-"

"You need to think, (y/n). With a face like that anyone could fall for Kurapika, but that life isn't for you."

"That life? I-"

"Let me speak. You like Kurapika because he's different, right? Because he's soft and listens to you and everything that Kenta isn't, right? You need to realize that the only reason you have feelings for Kurapika is because he makes you feel free. He's the opposite of what your father wants, and that gives you freedom. So ask yourself. Do you not like Kenta because he's a 'bad' person? Or do you just not like him because he is what your father wants for you."

"I don't need to tell you any reasons why I don't like Kenta. You're right. I'm in love with Kurapika. I'm in love with him because he makes me feel free and he's soft and gentle and kind and listens to be in a way that even you never would! I love him! I've fallen so deeply in love with him that it physically hurts me to imagine my life with your brother!"

"... You don't mean that."

"I'm sorry if I hurt you Angela, I really am. But I'm not sorry that I feel this way. I don't have a choice when it comes to marrying Kenta, I know that. Plus, Kurapika doesn't return my feelings, and it's not like I'm going to run away or try to get out of the marriage, so don't worry."

"I- I'm not worried! I just don't want you to lie to yourself about the reasons you like Kurapika!"

"This conversation is pointless, I can't change the way I feel. I have a party I need to get to."


"Angela you- this is not the time or place and I just- I think you stepped out of line. Please excuse me."

I can't handle this right now...

I returned to the center of the ballroom, people waving and conversing with me as I made my way back to Kenta. "Darling!" He exclaimed, grabbing my hand and lightly pulling me in to him.

I looked up to see him talking to my father.

Ah, now I understand the sudden urge for contact.

"Hello, Kenta. How are you liking the party so far?" I asked, nonchalantly looking around the room to try and find Kurapika once more.

"It's lovely, you always outdo yourselves." He said, bidding farewell to my father and walking me back up the stairs.

"Listen, your sister just came up to me and yelled at me for having feelings for Kurapika. Do you plan to tell her about Trisha?" I said in a hushed tone, lowering my head in case anyone was nearby.

"What? I can't do that!"

"Why not? The whole reason Angela is against it is because she thinks you're in love with me! If we both explained the situation, I'm sure she'd understand!"

"I just don't think it's a good idea..."

"She's furious with me! I've never been so angry with her before! She needs to know!"

"What if it backfires? We can't have anyone knowing that this is the least faithful relationship on earth!"

"Kenta you have to consider all the parameters here."

"... Fine, if an opportunity arises, I'll tell her everything. I mean, I have two months, don't I?"

I smiled and exhaled in relief. "Yes, yes you do."

. . .

The rest of the party went by rather quickly, and pretty soon most of the parents needed to be home for their children, not to mention the lords and ladies needed to start their journey to be home before it got too late. As the guests slowly trickled out, it became easier to spot my hunter, who seemed to be constantly in a conversation. I decided to ask Kenta to waltz with me once more, mostly to show off my dress and try to get Kurapika's attention. Yeah, I was stooping that low.

Kenta swung me around and people cleared the way, practically making a circle around us and watching in awe. If Kenta had any qualities that I was in love with, it would have to be his dancing. He had one hand on my back and one on my waist, and I had one hand on his shoulder and one on my dress. He picked me up and bit and swung me around him, causing my dress to poof out and swish around me in a way that made me feel incredibly fancy.

"When we are married, we should do this often." I joked, twirling under his arm and allowing myself to be pulled rather abruptly back into his chest.

He gave me one of his hearty laughs and winked. "But of course, my fiance." He replied, releasing me and bowing as the music ended.

It was hard to believe that my opinion on him had changed so much over one mere night. I looked down to my dress and ran my hands over the fabric, laying down the poof that had developed over the course of the dance. When I lifted my head, I saw my hunter staring at me, a classic unreadable expression planted on his face. I felt my hand slowly rise and cover my mouth as I noticed it.

He's wearing his contacts again.

I lowered my gaze from him and turned around, walking towards the exit. Trisha stopped me and looked at me with a concerned expression. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I just- I need some air." I muttered, pushing past her and heading towards the balcony.

I really shouldn't have been so upset, but there was something about seeing Kurapika with his contacts on that made my heart break all over again. Like the wall that had been taken down was put up again. I was back to square one, and this time I couldn't roll the dice and make any progress.

Why is this so messy? God I'm tired...

Once I had reached the balcony, I slowed my movement, approaching the railing and listening to the clomping of my heels. I placed my hands on the rail and looked out over the road that lead away from the village. The guests that didn't live with the clan were riding carriages and cars out of the gates, making me wish that I could leave sooner. I wanted to be in a world where people couldn't always read my emotions so easily, just by touching me or looking into my eyes. It sounded lovely, being in a place where you could keep your private feelings private.

"You look ravishing tonight."

Authors note: Everything is happening at once and it's chaotic and I'm vibing.

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