🍋Chapter 104 - Christmas Special Part 6🍋

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Well hello babies 🥰 who's ready for some fun

Just to be clear, these 'specials' are still canon and hold important plot for my book— they just take place during Christmas, so when I started them I thought it would be a fun little Christmas thing. Obviously they are uh. Taking a bit longer than I uh. Anticipated.

But yeah. It's just more of the book. Not something separate. Lol.


. . .

"Are you... okay?" Kurapika asked.

I readjusted my dress— which was certainly too short for the cold weather. "Yeah— yeah. Just had an odd dream, that's all." I said.

"Was it like the others? The nightmares you had before we reached Glam Gas Land?"

"... No."

"Was it about the troupe?"

"... No."

"Was it a bad dream?"

"Well... no."

Kurapika sat by me on the couch. "Want to tell me what it was about?"

I turned my head towards him. I could subtly smell the sweet scent of his skin.

That's something that wasn't in my dream. Scent... 

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Kurapika's neck. "It was fun." I mumbled into his skin.

"What do you mean, 'fun'?"

I slipped my hands under his shirt and bit his neck. "Very fun." I whispered after a moment.

Now that I'm awake...

Kurapika exhaled. "Leorio will probably be here soon..." He said.

"I guess I better hurry up."

I began undoing his belt and readjusting my positioning on the couch. "(Y/n)..." Kurapika sounded against my advances, but he leaned back and lifted his hips so that I could slip his belt away from him.

"Yes?" I replied slowly, pulling his jeans down to his knees.

"Just— maybe we should—"

"Lay down, Kurapika."


My flowy dress began riding up on me as I leant forward and kissed Kurapika's adam's-apple. My lips trailed over his throat and neck, kissing and licking his soft skin. His hands found their way to my neck and scalp as I rubbed up against him. I began to notice now, his breathing getting heavier and more desperate than before.

My gaze trailed down to Kurapika's boxers, which were already stiff with anticipation.

That didn't take long.

A corner of my mouth tipped up into a small smirk. I pushed one of my hands into his shorts and touched him, slowly stroking my hand around his dick. He let out a sharp breath and readjusted his hips once more.

"Stop moving." I muttered, brushing my thumb over the tip of his dick.

He exhaled in frustration and squirmed again. I sighed. "God, so desperate." I whispered, placing my hips onto his, my knees placed on either side of his hips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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