Chapter 91 - I Missed You

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I was driving Kurapika's car filled with pretty much the weirdest group ever to a destination I didn't even know was liable. Kurapika was in the passenger seat, his eyes practically blinding me with their scarlet hue. We were in a bad mood, exchanging few words and wanting to see anyone who hurt (y/n) die a brutal death.

Hisoka, on the other hand, was sitting in the backseat braiding Illumi's hair and humming. The pitchy tune filled the silent car, leaving only the kick of the motor and the nervous tapping of my fingers on the steering wheel to occupy the space. "We're almost there." I said, looking to a broken down cement building.

"That's it?" Kurapika asked, leaning forward in his seat.

"Yes, I'm quite confident." Hisoka answered, tying Illumi's hair and smirking.

"... Good." Kurapika muttered after a moment.

Silence filled the car once again and I began biting the inside of my cheek.

We don't know how many people are there, and we don't know if they know how many people are here.

Sounds great.

I pulled in near the building, un-clicking my seatbelt and looking to everyone in the car. "So. What's the plan?" I asked, my eyes scanning for answers.

Kurapika, who hadn't put on a seatbelt to start with, unlocked the car and began opening his door. "The plan is I go in there and fucking kill all of them." He answered, his crimson eyes never leaving the building.

Solid plan.

I quickly got out of the car and pulled my dagger out. "Here we go..." I mumbled to myself.

I was constantly looking around, my heart beating fast and body pumping adrenaline.

I'm not scared, this is just insane.

I ran to an open wall where Kurapika was standing and peering in. "You see anything?" I asked lowly.

Kurapika summoned his chains. "I think there are two of them. Phinks and Nobunaga. I can't see or hear anyone else."

I nodded and looked to left, where Hisoka and Illumi were now standing. "Fuck this." Kurapika muttered.

He disappeared from my view, running into the room and yelling something I was too shocked to listen to. I shared a glance with Hisoka before darting into the building after him. "Kura-" I cut myself off.

Is that a dead bird?

Oh shit.

"(Y/n)!" I yelled, running towards the mess of feathers and blood.

I looked up to Kurapika, who had Phinks down on the ground with two arms behind his back, Kurapika holding his wrists in a way that looked less than comfortable. "Where's the other one?!" I asked.

"Right here." Hisoka answered.

I turned around to see Nobunaga in a sitting position, Hisoka and Illumi pushing down on his shoulders. I turned back to Kurapika. "What do you want me to do?" I called to him, my desperate voice falling deaf on his ears.

"What did you do to her?" Kurapika demanded, placing his foot on Phinks back. "And where are the others?"

Phinks grimaced. "If you're here, I think you already know what we did to her." He said.

Kurapika pulled back on his wrists and pushed his foot farther into Phinks' back. "Where are the others." He repeated.

This time Nobunaga answered. "They're gone. They left us behind to deal with you. Obviously we didn't think you would bring backup. We were too dependent on your impatient impulse."

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