Chapter 101 - Christmas Specail Part 3

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Forgetting the spare keys wasn't like Kurapika, but nonetheless I went to the key rack that hung on the wall. The reach was almost too high for me, but I managed to retrieve the key successfully by getting onto my tippy toes. "(Y/n)?" Kurapika called, making me realize I hadn't responded to him in the first place.

"Got em'!" I called back, unlocking the door and handing the keys to Kurapika.

He gave me a funny look and took the keys. "Baby, thank you, but all you needed to do was open the door."

I felt my mouth form an 'o' and looked down to the keys I had just handed Kurapika.

He wouldn't need the keys if I had just opened the door for him. Oops.

I thought for a moment, then closed and locked the door on Kurapika's face. I could almost sense his amusement through the door, his words coming out whimsically as he spoke— "What was that for?"

"You have the keys now." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. "So unlock the door."

There was a moment before I heard the key clattering in the door, and another moment before the door opened once again. "Well, hello." I greeted, smiling at my hunter. "Where's Leorio?"

"Hello, lovely." Kurapika replied, kissing my nose before passing me.

I now noticed the paper bags he carried, all adorned with different logos from different companies. "Leorio went off on his own for a bit, I'm not sure where." Kurapika said, placing the bags next to the counter.

I closed the hotel door and watched Kurapika remount the keys onto the rack before turning back to me. "You really should get back to bed now..." He commented.

I huffed and cocked my head to the side. "You healed me with your fancy chain magic and all that. You really think I'm still a cripple? I've recovered! Look!"

I walked over to him, throwing my hands straight out to the sides, as if I were walking on a tight rope. When I reached Kurapika I stopped, letting my arms fall back to their natural place. "No limping." I said.

Kurapika sighed. "No limping." He repeated in a softer tone, bringing his hands up to cup my cheeks.

He lowered his head and placed a slow and careful kiss onto my lips, as if I would shatter if he was too rough. I let my hands wander under his shirt, my fingers grazing over his chilled skin. He still smelled faintly of the rain, a scent I quite enjoyed.

Soon Kurapika was kissing up and down my neck, leaving gently cold kisses all over my skin. It must've been quite freezing outside that day, if his lips were still so cold. When he eventually stood back up to his full height, he looked me up and down. "You look nice today."

I smiled. "Thank you."

Knock knock knock

"Who's that? Leorio?" I asked, perking up and looking towards the door.

"I'm not sure. Stay here." Kurapika commanded, letting his hands slowly release me as he approached the entrance.

He opened the door swiftly, smiling when he saw the visitor. "Yup. It's Leorio." Kurapika said, half to himself.

Leorio strutted in, closing the door behind him and looking to where I was. "(Y/n)! Look at you! No longer bedridden!" He exclaimed, running over with his slender legs and encasing me in a hug.

"Isn't it great?" I replied.

"Very! You look less like a dying victorian child now!"

I giggled at his words and looked to Kurapika. "I thought my stupid hunter was never going to let me stand again." I added, raising an eyebrow at the blonde.

Kurapika rolled his eyes. "I'm not that unreasonable." He said.

"Ehh, don't flatter yourself." Leorio retaliated.

The tall man set a few of his own bags on a table before stretching his limbs out onto the couch. "Oh! That reminds me! I was on the phone with the kids earlier, and it made me wonder about something." Leorio said.

Kurapika looked to him. "Yeah?"

"Well, what if we brought them here— for Christmas. I mean, they weren't planning on going anywhere else, and it's been a while since we've seen them."

Kurapika thought for a moment. "I thought we weren't going to bring them to Glam Gas Land?" He asked.

"That was for fighting." Leorio said. "This is for Christmas. Come on now, they don't really have any other family."

Kurapika looked out the window and watched the rain. He was thinking. "I know a roadside town not too far from here called Pethmers. It has heavy snow and lots of Christmas decorations. I think it's much more fitting for those two."

I lit up. "I know Pethmers! Oh Leorio, we have to take you, it's beautiful there!"

Leorio smiled. "So you think it's a good idea?"

Kurapika looked back to me for a moment before refocusing on Leorio. "I think it's a great idea."

Authors note: I had spare time and got a message from one of you lovely people. Enjoy this chapter babies <33

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