Chapter 45 - Journey begins

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I was sitting across from Kurapika at a small wooden table that held its' place in the rather homely eating area the hotel had. The hotel didn't have toast, which was the bane of my existence and rather surprising.

It's literally just bread and a toaster. Who doesn't have bread and a toaster?

Still, these pancakes are damn good...

I sat happily and ate my pancakes, pleasantly surprised with how they satisfied me. Kurapika was have two eggs and potatoes, along with a large glass of water. I always made mental notes when he ate, noticing the small details of how he liked his food. He didn't like salt on his eggs, but heavily salted his potatoes. I suppose he didn't like spicy things, because he never even picked up the pepper shaker. I smiled at him unconsciously, his eating reminding me of the day I fed him potatoes.

"Do you like the pancakes?" My hunter asked, making my eyes trace back to his.

"Yes, they are very delicious, much to my surprise. I think I will be eating them more often after today." I replied, setting my fork down on my plate. "What about you? Do you like your eggs?"

"Yes, I'm finding them to be very well made."

"Well, you made them, didn't you?"

"... Yes."


"... It was a joke."

I stared at him for a moment, my mouth creeping into a smile, though I tried to hide it. It wasn't until Kurapika eyed me over his plate with a funny expression that I started to laugh. He began laughing too, his hand lifting a bit to hover in front of his mouth. "What- why are you laughing so hard?" Kurapika asked.

"You're- laughing too!" I giggled in between breaths, my hand placed on my heart. "You are just-"

I love you.

"You're ridiculous." I finished, taking a deep breath and centring myself slightly. "I wasn't expecting the joke, that's all."

I looked at my mostly-empty plate and sighed, releasing the last of my breath and smiling to myself.

. . .

Kurapika and I had finished breakfast and grabbed our things. I was uncomfortably carrying my suitcase down the stairs, following the blonde who was effortlessly carrying his. Kurapika led me out the door and around the hotel, stopping when he reached his destination.

It was a black car with a circular top and metal rims, one that I would see coming in and out of the parties my family hosted. I had only been in one a few times, and wasn't quite sure how they worked. "You can really work this thing?" I asked, watching as Kurapika lifted what I believed to be the trunk of the car.

"Yes. This is primarily how we will be travelling." He replied, taking my suitcase and placing it into the trunk. "The rest of the luggage is in the back seat, so do you want to ride shotgun?"

I stood for a moment, my mouth slightly parted. "Uhhhmm. I'd rather not, I don't even know how to work one, or, do, that..." I trailed off, my confusion easily seeping through my words.

"I- do you want to ride in the passenger seat? Next to me?" Kurapika asked, a slight smile breaking onto his face.

"Yes, of course... why are you smiling like that?"

"You, it's nothing." Kurapika dismissed, walking to the drivers side door.

"No, tell me!" I called, running after him and climbing into the passenger seat.

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