Chapter 65 - The First🍋

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(This chapter is around three times as long as a normal chapter and contains graphic sexual content that is all consensual. Please be careful! <3)

-knock knock-


"Hey, open up in there, it's me."

Oh, Leorio.

Oh, Leorio!

I opened my eyes and attempted to sit up, immediately being pulled back down by the hunter in my arms. Kurapika stirred under me and squinted his eyes before opening them. I looked at him groggily, admiring his droopy features as he processed the things around him. He looked up to me lastly, smiling and brushing some hair out of my face. "How are you feeling?" I asked, pushing my cheek gently into his hand.

"I'm good, much better than I was last night, thank you."

-knock knock knock-

"Hey! I hear you two in there! Let me in!" Leorio called again.

I huffed and untangled myself from Kurapika, getting off the bed and making my way to the door. "We are going to get a noise complaint because of you..." I grumbled, walking back to the bed as Leorio strutted in.

"How's he doing?" Leorio asked, setting his briefcase on the edge of the bed and beginning to inspect Kurapika's wounds. "It looks like you did a good job of wrapping him up, have you had medical training?"

I climbed onto the bed and helped Leorio remove the bandages from Kurapika's chest. "Just a bit, I'm no doctor."

Kurapika sat up more and shooed our hands away, taking off his own bandages while Leorio and I watched. "You have medical experience?" I asked, looking up to Leorio.

He smiled. "It just so happens that I am a doctor."

"Wow! How impressive!"

"Leorio, how did the rest of the night go? Were you able to finish it?" Kurapika asked.

"Yes, lucky for me most of them fled after we had our way with them." Leorio responded, taking some sort of cream out of his bag. "There are still a few matters I need to deal with alone, though. Just talking it over with him."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who's him?"

Leorio just shook his head in response. "No one too important. (Y/n), I'm heading out, but would you put this ointment onto Kurapika's injuries? I'll be back in later to check on him again, but for now I'm leaving him in your hands."

I nodded and took the ointment from him, examining the container. "Are you injured, Leorio?" I asked.

"A few sore odds and ends, but I'll be just fine." He said, closing his brief case and slinging it over his shoulder. "I'll see you later."

I waved to the man as he exited, leaving Kurapika and I alone once again. I opened the container and put some of the ointment onto my hand. "Tell me if it stings, kay?" I asked, looking to Kurapika.

He simply nodded, watching as I re-positioned myself and placed the cream onto one of his cuts. His face contorted slightly, but he said nothing, watching as I rubbed the ointment over his injuries. "Were you alright while I was gone? I'm sorry it took so long..." Kurapika commented.

"I was just fine, I mean, I was worried about you, but that's about it."

He smiled softly as I put the lid back onto the ointment, getting off of the bed and setting it onto the nightstand. I took all of the used bandages off the bed and threw them away before returning to my hunter.

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