Chapter 60 - It's Mr. Leorio

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This chapter contains gore that may be disturbing for some readers. Please be careful! <3

We decided to stay in Kurapika's room, after all, we were already there and it had more places to sit down. "I'll call my friend, you can just make yourself comfortable." Kurapika said.

I nodded and got my book out, flopping down onto the couch and watching as Kurapika brought his phone to his ear.

"Leorio, I'm ready when you are."

. . .

"Absolutely not, we need more of a plan than that." Kurapika said, his hand holding the bridge of his nose as he tried to reason with the man.

This had been going on for a decent amount of time, and I would've intervened, but I was hiding on the couch. Leorio was nothing how I imagined, being tall and skinny instead of buff and scary, not to mention he didn't have any piercings or tattoos. He was only twenty-one, but something about the way he looked made him seem so much older. I was still on the couch, pretending to be enthralled by my book and not listening to the argument happening between my hunter and this, "Mr. Leorio".

He is amusing, I'll admit that, but he hasn't even noticed me, can this man really use nen?

"You got into this situation, and you came to me for help, therefore you are going to listen to my plan." Kurapika stated.

"I'm not listening to shit! I came to you because I need a powerhouse to help me."

"I'm no powerhouse..."

"Well I'm certainly not bringing Gon or Killua to Glam Gas Land."

Ugh, that's enough.

I stood up and threw my book onto the couch. "Can a lady not get peace and quiet around here? I can't study when you two donuts are screaming at each other!" I exclaimed, walking around the couch and next to Kurapika.

"Leorio, this is (y/n). (Y/n), Leorio." Kurapika sighed, gesturing between us.

Leorio was staring at me with a very odd look on his face, an expression that Kurapika had never used on me before. I smiled at him and extended my hand.

If Kurapika trusts Leorio, then Leorio is trustworthy.

"Hello, Mr. Leorio." I greeted, making a surprised noise when the man shook my hand rather aggressively.

"How- Kurapika may I speak to you for a moment?"

Kurapika looked to me as Leorio grabbed his arm, pulling him to the opposite side of the room. I stood where I was and watched them, feeling a bit embarrassed when they both switched there gaze to me. "What are you two yapping about now?"

Kurapika huffed and stormed back to me, taking my hand in his and pulling me towards him. I fumbled forwards and caught myself on my hunter, steadying my balance, before looking back to Leorio. I was quite accustomed to such interactions with Kurapika, but seeing Leorio gawk at us the way he was made me want to flush. "So, what's the word?" I asked, my free hand still on Kurapika's chest as I looked up to him.

"We'll leave tomorrow night, it'll only take a few hours, so I should be back in time for breakfast. Alright?" Kurapika said, looking down to me and smiling softly.

I smiled back. "Alright. Is Leorio staying for dinner? I'd love to get to know him better."

"Of course I am!" Leorio boomed. "I've already called us in!"

I release Kurapika and clapped my hands together. "Yay Leorio! How prepared!" I exclaimed, running back towards the couch area. "I'll turn on more lights."

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