Chapter 72 - Hard Falling Drunk

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Leorio and I were in a taxi going to what was apparently the best club in town. I asked him to take me somewhere distracting, and I suppose a place with strippers was just his style. I was wearing the chain Kurapika gave me and gazing out the window, watching the steady rainfall as the taxi driver made his way through the traffic.

Leorio and I reached the destination only a few minutes later, the bright lights and hardcore music playing loud enough to hear from the streets. Leorio gave me his arm to hold and I smiled at him, letting him lead me into the club.

Holy shit.

Now this is a club

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Now this is a club.

I felt my mouth part and my speed slow as I took in my surroundings, stopping when I saw a huge bar with colourful fun looking drinks lining the edges. "I want to get drunk." I stated, yanking Leorio with me to the stools.

"I don't know if that's a good idea (y/n). You've only just turned eighteen and you're definitely not a heavy weight."

I scoffed, waving the bartender over to me and flashing him a smile. "Hello. Can I get something nice? Anything to wash away the memories my boyfriend has left me with."

And I mean left literally...

The bartender smiled back at me and grabbed a small cup. "For you little lady? Anything." He replied, filling the cup with unfamiliar substances and handing it to me.

Leorio gawked as I downed the entire thing, my face scrunching up as the liquid burned my throat. "You don't even know what's in that! Oh Kurapika would be so disappointed in me." He lectured, his hand travelling to his face and grabbing the bridge of his nose.

Wow I feel like I'm on fire. Am I on fire?

"Excuse me sir. I would like another one of those. Actually. Two. I would like two of them." I said, handing the man my father's credit card and letting my eyes drift back to Leorio. "Don't say another word. Unless you are my person. Which, you are not. Even though you are tall."

Leorio's face dropped and he sighed, taking the seat next to me. "I'm going to regret letting you do this, but as long as I don't take my eyes off of you, it might be good for you to learn this lesson."

"Lesson? No I hate school."

"No- not school. You're going to get hungover."

"I'm not a gymnast, Oreo."

. . .

"Kurapika is annoying. Why is he all I think about? With his man hands? And eyes?? He won't leave my brain. And did you know his penis is extremely large? Like— like a big— um. A big-"

"(Y/n) you're shitfaced."

"No I'm not into that stuff."

"Wha- "

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