Chapter 25 - Swimming

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Kurapika grabbed one of my legs, sending me falling back and into the water. I yelped before plunging into the lake once more and letting my feet hit the lake's floor. I used my legs and propelled myself up, grabbing the hunter's arm and pulling him deeper with me. He made a surprised noise and pulled me back.

Oh hell, he's strong.

I was yanked into the blonde, colliding with his wet chest as both of us sank into the lake. He recovered quickly and stood up, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, clinging to him to avoid being submerged under the water. He was laughing and trying to pry me off of him, and I was smiling and squealing, dodging his attempts to separate us. Once a moment more passed, Kurapika gave up and stood still, letting me relax for a moment. I lifted my head and looked at my hunter, realizing that I was extremely close to him.

This is familiar...

I felt my face heat up as we stared at each other for a moment, his eyes meeting mine.

Wait, they aren't dark right now.

I released my legs, but kept my arms around his neck as I looked into his eyes. "Your eyes are grey today, did you not put your contacts in?" I asked, tilting my head to one side and examining his facial features.

"I didn't want water to get into them." He replied, his eyes slowly trailing down to my lips and back up to my eyes.

I didn't move my gaze from him, part of me hoping he would silently understand what I was feeling.

What am I feeling? What do I want him to understand?

I lowered my gaze to his mouth, which was slightly parted and panting softly.

Oh shit, is something touching my feet?!?!

I yelped and jumped out of the water, clinging to Kurapika once more. He fell back into the lake and we both disappeared under the clear pool once more.

. . .

"My dad used to tell me stories of how the water was the first thing our clan communicated with. The ripples and waves would speak to our ancestors and teach them how to swim with the fish. Apparently swimming with fish was the first form of physical communication we shared with animals." I said, sitting on the sand and gazing into the lake.

Kurapika stayed silent, but I knew he was listening. "... Then, did your ancestors communicate with all types of water?" He asked quietly.

I looked to him slightly, but his eyes were glued onto the lake. "Yes. Streams, oceans, ponds. There are stories about all of them." I said, my head turning to face the body of water once more.

"... How about tears?"

"... Tears?"


"Well, I suppose we've always had some sort of connection with our tears, even now. I mean, we are very emotional people, although most of my clan is better at hiding it than me..."

"You mean they cry less?"

"Perhaps... I guess I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. I mean although I'm pretty weak with that stuff, I try not to cry too much."

"... I don't think there's anything weak about crying. I think it makes a person stronger."

"Stronger? Have you met me? I broke down in front of you within a week of knowing you." I scoffed, turning my head once more to look at the blonde.

He smiled and met my gaze, making my heart tighten. "You feel things very deeply, but the thing about you is you get upset over things and then work your way over them. I admire that about you." He said, his heavy eyes revealing the truth of his words.

"... You think too highly of me." I uttered, wishing to be closer to the hunter, but not wanting to move.

"No, I don't. I know you too well to think unrealistically of you." He replied.

"How do you mean?"

"I know that you're hotheaded and stubborn and emotional, but you are also kind and passionate and funny. Knowing you has brought a bit more joy into my life. In fact, I fear that without you, I would be lost right now." Kurapika said, his gaze lowering before returning to the water. "You are truly one of my best friends."

I felt myself take a breath in, still looking to the hunter. "That is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me." I admitted, wanting him to look back to me. "... You know, I feel like you know everything about me, and I hardly know anything about you." I said, scooting closer to the boy.

"You know everything important. Everything that you need to know." He said blankly.

I huffed. "Is this how it's always going to be with you? You shut me out when we get to the deeper stuff?"

"My 'deeper stuff' are things I don't enjoy talking about."

"And that's why you could use a therapist." I teased, nudging Kurapika with my shoulder.

"I do not wish to talk about this any further."

I sighed and paused before looking back to the water. "And here we are once again. Square one. I don't understand you at all."

Kurapika stayed silent, looking out over the water. "... Stubborn." He finally mumbled.

I laughed and fell backwards, laying flat on the soft sand that surrounded the water. "I bet you think you're clever." I commented, rolling over to my stomach.

I stood up and began to walk over to the lake, wading into the water. I dunked my head under and stayed there for a bit, letting the sudden cold surround me and douse my warm skin. After a moment I came back to the surface and began walking towards the shore, running my fingers through my hair to get it out of my face. I opened my eyes to see Kurapika staring at me, an entranced look on his face. My eyes darted away from him and I felt my face heat up once more as I brought my hands to my sides, getting out of the water. "It's getting late, we should head back." I said, grabbing a towel from the sand and drying off with it.

Kurapika nodded and stood up, following me to the horses. We rode home in comfortable silence, occasionally talking about casual things that went on in our everyday lives. "You know, when we leave and go to the real world, you probably shouldn't wear dresses everyday..." Kurapika said.

"Why is that?"

"Well, for one, we don't want to draw too much unnecessary attention to ourselves. And two, it'll be easier to travel without them, the packing will be easier and so will all the walking and driving we'll do."

I nodded, my eyes lazily trailing the path. "I suppose that makes sense, but I'm afraid I don't own many 'normal' clothes..." I said, taking a long breath and absorbing the soft sunlight. "I guess we could just go get some, or have a vendor come here with some. It'll be like a shopping trip!" I exclaimed, suddenly more excited for the ordeal.

"Yes, I suppose it will." Kurapika said, amusement lacing his tone.

I looked over to him, seeing his classic gentle smile and long eyelashes.

Stupid hunter...

Authors note: Yeup.

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