Chapter 100 - Christmas Special (Part 2)

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Yes, I know what you are all thinking right now. "This bitch again? Why is she updating the Christmas Special two months after December?"

Well, you see-- I simply couldn't leave you all hanging. *Looks nervously to the important plot I put into the Christmas Special*

I'm sure all of you may have completely forgotten some current events in the world of ~this fanfic~ so feel free to go back and reread! (I just reread the shit in Pethmers. Wowza I forgot how spicy that tea was)

Anyhow, gee did I miss y'all!!!!! I've gotten a break from school and wanted to do nothing but write an update for all of you, sooo HERE WE GO!!!

. . .

It wasn't even a blink later that Hisoka was at my door, phone still held to his face. "That was fast," I said, the hotel door swinging open to reveal the tall man. "hello, Hisoka."

"Darling~ so good to see you." Hisoka greeted, looking me up and down. "You look-- wobbly. Great, but wobbly. Are you sure you should be going out?"

I felt my shoulders droop in chagrin. "Hisoka, I'm just fine. Being stuck in this room has been the worst thing in my life recently, I need to get out."

Hisoka raised an eyebrow. "You were kidnapped and tortured, but this is the worst thing that's happened to you? You never cease to surprise me. . . Does Pikachu know you're going out?"

I rolled my eyes, weakly pushing past the man. "So many questions from you today..." I muttered.

Hisoka hummed and began to follow me. "So, what lovely things are we shopping for? Clothes? Jewelry?" He began.

"Actually, I need to go Christmas shopping for Kurapika. I want to get him a few things, but I'm not sure where to start. I know you grew up here and all, so I was hoping you could help me." I said, getting into the elevator and pressing the button labeled with the number '1'.

The tall man nodded and looked down to me. "So, what exactly are these things?"

. . .

Hisoka stood in disgust as I admired the necklaces lining the walls of the shiny store, his hip slightly jutted out and hand raised in disapproval. "When you said, 'things' I thought you would be referring to items a bit more exciting." He said frankly.

"Kurapika got me a necklace for my birthday, and I love it so much that I figured he should have one too. I've always thought he would look good in jewelry." I said, my gaze sweeping from one glass display to another.

I lit up once I saw a simple chain adorned with an elegant red gem on the end, the hue of the item reminding me of Kurapika's eyes.


Hisoka insisted we went to a few other stores, although I stressed the fact that I needed to arrive to the hotel before Kurapika and Leorio did. Hisoka sympathized-- most likely because he would have to face the consequences of helping e sneak out-- and only took me to two other stores, one of them being a shoe store, (apparently he needed even more heels) and the other being a bridal shop.

I smiled somberly at the rows of beautiful white gowns, finding myself unconsciously grazing over each and every aisle, my hands occasionally reaching out and feeling the diverse fabrics the store had. Just like everything else in Glam Gas Land, this store was truly exquisite.

I absolutely hated it.

"See anything you like?" Hisoka asked, his eyes absently drifting over the dresses.

"No." I answered.

He looked down to me. "What? Do you have something against the color white?"

I let go of a dress I was feeling, looking down to my feet, which hurt more than I would've liked to admit. "Something like that." I said.

Hisoka took a dress off of a rack and inspected it. "I quite like the color white. I might try this one on."

"Go for it."

He raised a thin eyebrow at me, switching his attention back to the racks for a moment before picking another dress out. "You should try this one on. You may not like the color white, but it seems to like you." He said.

I took the hanger of the dress and held it up, the small beads carefully sewn on the top reminding me of the corsets I would wear back home. "It's ribbed." Hisoka added, turning around and strutting off with his dress.

I looked back down to my own gown and sighed, feeling the soft silky fabric that lined the bottom of the dress. I hung it back up, staring at it for a moment more before walking towards the dressing rooms, trying incredibly hard to ignore all of the happy men and women prepping for their weddings. I huffed once I saw Hisoka wearing the wedding dress he had picked out, his slim waist and curvey features being complimented quite well. "It looks good on you." I commented, leaning against a classy grey wall.

Hisoka smirked. "Oh, I know." He replied.

I sneered and tilted my head. "Can we go now?"

. . .

The hotel was still empty when Hisoka and I returned, thank goodness. I took the few items we had bought and hid them tactfully in my suitcase, bidding Hisoka a quick farewell before returning to Kurapika's and my room. I looked to the bed and sighed. It was the bed that Kurapika and I shared. Just like the room that Kurapika and I shared.

And the love that Kurapika and I shared.

I didn't hate the color white. I didn't hate weddings.

I hate myself.

There I was, deeply in love, yet tied into a situation that I was too cowardly to fight out of.

I've been lied to my entire life. I don't even know the real motives behind marrying Kenta. Yet I still feel this obligation-- this loyalty to my people. As if I still don't have another choice.

As if I'm still weak.

-knock knock-

"(Y/n)? I hate to make you get out of bed, but I forgot to grab the spare keys before I left."

Kurapika. Good timing.

Authors note: I missed all of youuUUUUUU <3333

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