Chapter 6 - Kenta

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(I imagine Kenta to look like this but like, more ugly idk. Take it and run with it. Make that bitch unlikable. We hate him. Well, not that much, but we don't like him.)

Great. And after all the work I've done to avoid him...


I was engulfed in an uncomfortable embrace before the tan boy continued. "I've been missing you around lately! Oh, sorry, who's this?" He asked, not loosening his grip on me and eyeing Kurapika.

"I am a hunter. I was hired to guard Miss (l/n)." The blonde stated, obviously noticing how uncomfortable I was yet doing nothing.

Well what's he supposed to do...

"Oh. I see." Kenta said, immaturity ringing through his voice. "She didn't tell me an outsider was coming here."

I gently pushed Kenta away from me and forced a smile. "I didn't even know he was supposed to be here until this morning."

Kenta looked the hunter up and down before gazing at me and smiling. "Want to get dinner? I'm starving and you look like you've been riding for a while too, based on the stage of those clothes." He commented, grabbing up some fabric of my skirt and pulling it up.

I blushed and grabbed the fabric from him. "I'm afraid my father requested me to join him for dinner tonight."

"Ah, some other time then!" Kenta said, grabbing my cheeks and kissing them both before strutting down the path and away from Kurapika and I.

I sighed and began walking closer to Kurapika. "Who was that? You didn't have dinner plans with your father." The blonde commented, looking down to me.

"He's no one of importance." I huffed, brushing my hands on my skirt.

. . .

Upon arriving to the big house, I took my cloak off and hung it tidily by the door. My eyebrows furrowed when I looked into the office and noticed my father wasn't in it.

He's always in his office...

A large thud sound came from the front door of the house and my eyes narrowed. Kurapika and I exchanged a look before the hunter swiftly took duel swords from his back and moved in front of me, his stance ready to fight. I gently pushed his arm aside and stepped in front of him, walking to the front door and soon after feeling my soul die.

What the hell is Kenta doing at my front door. And why is he wearing such a fancy suit?!?

"Hey, (Y/n)! Mr. (L/n) invited me to have dinner with you! Isn't that kind of him?"

"That's very kind. Please come in." I said in a formal tone, taking a deep breath of defeat before turning my back to the men.

Kenta and my dad started to chatter as I went to the kitchen and informed the chef that we had guests. I walked to my room at a quick pace, though I didn't really realize it. Kurapika obviously did though, having to speed walk himself to keep up with me. "Are you stressed my lady? You seem dissatisfied."

"You're calling me 'my lady' now? That makes me want to gag. Yes I'm dissatisfied, I'm having dinner with three men that I don't like." I spat, stomping into my room and beginning to close the door.

Of all people I have to eat with, it's my unwanted boyfriend, my abusive father, and my stone cold stupid hunter.

"I wish you wouldn't treat me as though I am your enemy." The blonde divulged, putting his hand on the door to stop it from closing.

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