Chapter 56 - Winners

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It was loud, very loud, but other than the cheering and bowing, I don't remember doing anything else after kissing Kurapika. The next time I was really conscious, I was sitting on a bench with a bottled water in my hands. "Are you sure you're alright? You look dazed over."

"Yes. Just fine. When do we know who's won the book?"

Kurapika looked back to the stone stage, which was now less populated and in the distance. "I believe the contest stops at three, so we still have some time before the draw. Although, if we win it's customary to kiss again, are you sure you want to put yourself through that?"

"Put myself through that? What do you mean?" I asked, switching my gaze to my hunter.

"You basically blacked out after kissing me, and I'm still not sure if you've fully recovered..."

I blushed and looked back towards the stage. "It's not like I didn't like it, I think I was just in a bit of shock."

"Maybe I shouldn't have used tongue..."

"No! It's fine! Really! I liked it!"

"... You liked it?"

"Yes, of course..."

There was silence for a moment as I ran through the words we had just exchanged, my eyebrows furrowing a bit at the question I was about to ask. "Did you like it?"



"... Yes."

"Don't lie."

"I'm not lying."

"... Okay."

I took a deep breath and drank more of my water, staring blankly at the pavement until something colourful caught my eyes. There were about three men dressed in green elf costumes and waddling around on stilts. I watched them in interest as they crossed the street over to Kurapika and I, talking to people and handing out papers along the way. "You like the theatre?" Kurapika asked, nodding to the men.

"Those men are actors?" I asked, studying the red cheeks painted onto the men's faces.

"Yes, I believe there's a stage play happening today, that's why they're handing out flyers."

I nodded as they came closer to us, one of them strolling right up to me. "Would you like a flyer, Miss?" The tall elf man asked, bending over and holding a red piece of paper out to me.

I took it and examined it before looking up to the man. "How tall are you in those stilts?" I asked, my eyes tracing down to his feet.

"Around seven feet!" He replied, turning in a circle and making the bells attaches to his pants and hat jingle.

"Incredible! Do you like walking on them?" I asked, peering up to the man's face.

"Yes! They are quite exciting, aren't they?"

"Yes! They are!"

"Why thank you! I must be going now, but perhaps I will see you later!" The man farewelled, waving to me before strolling away.

"That man is very happy. I asked him a question about his work and he became even more excited, it must be nice to be so content in life." I said, my eyes following the three tall men as they danced through the streets.

"Are you content in life?" Kurapika asked.

I felt his eyes on me, but stayed looking at the men. "I don't know. Sometimes."


"My life is about to be thrown away. I can't ignore that."

"... The marriage?"

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