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During the 90,000 readers q&a, a lot of you said you would like it if I made tik toks! I wanted to make my babies happy, so alas, here I am! My user name is @ plums_and_peaches
(I've only posted one thing tehe, but it's pretty entertaining to make videos!)

This chapter is a throw back to chapter 33 where (y/n) and Kurapika almost kiss for the first time! Some readers were talking about how cool it would be to see this chapter from Kurapika point of you, so I'm here to satisfy! I know things have been intense lately, so why not have a pleasant throwback? Enjoy! <3

(Also I'm still on bed rest and have been going crazy, so I need a lil fun chappie)
(Also notice how the photo is the same 🥺 oh nostalgia)

. . .

Kurapika's Point Of View

"Yes, yes, I feel just swell. Stop stalling and get over here." She dismissed, standing up straighter and gesturing for me to come closer.

I sighed and walked over to her, noticing the innocent glow in her eyes that she always got when she was excited. "How do I do this?" I asked.

She stifled a laugh and came closer to me, adjusting the cuffs of my sleeves and straightening out my jacket. "Well, first you ask me to dance." She said, sarcasm ringing through her tone.

Alright, smarty pants.

I rolled my eyes and felt myself smile. "Right, and after that?"

She took my hand and put it on her waist, looking rather focused as she began explaining it to me. "You put one hand on her waist and hold the other, like this." She said, grabbing my other hand and holding it.

I swallowed and felt my face heat up. "Okay, now what?"

"Start with you left foot, now just step to the left twice."


She giggled. "Yes. Twice."


I looked down to my feet and did as she told me to, making two steps to the left and looking up to her. She smiled and nodded. "Good! Now step to the right twice."

I nodded back and led her back to the spot where we began. "After you do that, you lead your partner in a square. So go back, to your left, front, and to your right." She instructed.

I looked to her skeptically. "Alright..." I muttered, looking back down to my own feet.

I did just as she said, watching as she followed me perfectly, grace in her footsteps, mixed with a bit of happiness when I got it right. "Perfect! You're a natural!" She complimented. "Now, don't look at you feet this time."

"What am I supposed to look at?"

She raised one of her eyebrows. "Your partner, dummy!" She remarked, laughing a bit after her sentence.

I couldn't help but smile at her, after all, she was quite charming when you got to know her. When she looked up to me her eyes widened, as if it was a shock I could be so affectionate. I quietly cleared my throat and simply began to dance again, looking into her eyes, but my thoughts elsewhere.

What Angela said, I wonder if it's true...

'She's not mean to you anymore because her father told her to tolerate you. Trust me, you aren't exactly her favorite person on earth.'

Could she have been serious? I know Angela doesn't like me too much...

'Kenta and her need to be together for reasons more important than just the clan. It's for (y/n)'s safety. Please just— keep your distance.'

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