Chapter 50 - OnE hOtEl RoOm oH nO

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The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, revealing a long hallway that branched off in three different directions. "Which room is, um, ours?" I asked, looking down to my suitcase and clearing my throat.

"It's room 207, it should be right down here." Kurapika replied, nodding to the hallway that was to the left of the elevator.

I followed him down about twenty feet until he stopped, swiping the card in the room's door and leading me inside.

Oh, shit.



"There's only one bed." I stated, staring blankly into the room.

"... Yeah."

"Well, you can take a nap, I'll be reading my book."


Kurapika walked over to the bed and took off his jacket before I looked away, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. I rummaged through my bag and got my novel out, standing up and scanning the room for somewhere to sit.

Nowhere? Not even a chair?

I grumbled to myself and looked back to Kurapika, who looked like he was completely asleep flat on the mattress.

Does he not use pillows or something?

I giggled and walked over to the bed.

We've sat on the same bed before, plus there's nowhere else to go, so this is fine.


I circled around to the other side of the bed and quietly climbed onto it, trying not to make much noise. "What book are you reading?" Kurapika mumbled.

I flinched and drew back, almost falling off of the bed, but being caught by a hand grabbing onto my shirt. Kurapika pulled be back and I flopped onto the bed face first, making the mattress bounce softly. "You scared me." I mumbled into the comforter, making Kurapika chuckle.

"My apologies, I didn't know you thought I was asleep. Do you really think people fall asleep that fast?"

I pushed myself up and flipped over, now sitting closer to the center of the bed. "You have before..." I pouted, opening my book and remembering the day that Kurapika had a fever.

My face flared up at the memory of Kurapika's lips on mine. I could no longer remember the sensation, yet craved it more than I ever had before.

Stupid hunter...

Kurapika turned his head and read the title of my book before rolling away from me and onto his side. He laid still for a moment before propping himself up and roughly taking out the hair tie that still resided in his scalp. He groaned softly at the sensation and flopped back onto the bed. "How do you have your hair up so often? It's so painful." He murmured, officially bringing my attention from my book to him.

"You get used to it." I said softly, my eyes trailing over my hunter's body before inspecting the small crease in his hair where the tie was. "Is your scalp sore?" I asked, involuntarily moving my hand towards him.

"A bit." He replied, though I knew he only said that when he didn't want to complain.

I dug my fingers into his scalp and froze, suddenly aware of the action I had so nonchalantly done. Kurapika hummed and shifted a bit, placing his head closer to me, his eyes still facing the wall. I smiled and placed my book down, gladly taking the invitation to massage his scalp with both of my hands. The blonde's breathing started to visibly slow down, his body rising and falling steadily every few moments.

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