Chapter 68 - Always

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Moshi moshi my babies! Quick authors note- please try to keep the comments positive and nice! Feel free to insult unlikable characters and use funny burns and all that tehe, but when you directly insult one of the ones I like it low key hurts my feelings bc I'm a sensitive lil thing who's very attached to these characters 🥺. Anyhow thank you for your support when I wasn't feeling well- you all mean so much to me <33

Kurapika and I had decided to go to a rather fancy diner that was near the hotel, mainly so that we didn't have to travel via car. The diner itself had red walls and bright green flooring along with beautiful crystal light fixtures, which was a gorgeous sight to see. Kurapika and I both ordered pancakes, which I didn't find odd until after we ordered.

I had a hard time deciding between two flavours because I wanted to try both the strawberry and the blueberry pancakes. I ordered the strawberry ones before Kurapika took his order. He ordered blueberry.

Our food arrived surprisingly short after, three large stacks of pancakes sitting in front of both me and my lover. "Holy hell, we may need more of those fancy boxes you put extra food into." I remarked, my eyes glimmering at the sight of the pancakes.

"You're right. They're regularly called to-go boxes, by the way."

I hummed in interest and picked my utensils, admiring how each restaurant seemed to use different designs for their silverware. Kurapika and I ate in comfortable silence for a little while, the pleasant sounds of many people's chatter and the common music playing keeping us company. Soon I lifted my eyes to see Kurapika's fork stuck out, a bit of his pancakes on the end.

"Try." He said nonchalantly, nodding towards the fork.

I smiled and leaned forward, letting Kurapika feed me the pancakes. I felt my eyes widen at the new and unfamiliar taste, looking up to Kurapika and trying to smile. He smiled back at me, his eyebrows slightly raised at the spectacle. "What do you want to do after this?" He asked, placing a credit card into a little book and placing it onto the table.

I watched as the waiter who had helped us earlier picked up the book and walked away.

Maybe something that doesn't take too much energy...

I don't know how Kurapika's really doing with whatever he experienced during that fight, plus this morning has been pretty tiring...

"How about a cinema! I've never been to a movie theatre!" I exclaimed.

Kurapika nodded. "That sounds good to me."

. . .

I always found movies incredible, although I didn't watch them much when I was younger. But seeing them on a huge screen while holding hands and occasionally making out with someone you love? That's a whole new level of incredible. 

Now I see why he wanted to sit in the very back row...

Kurapika and I were currently kissing, my hands in his hair and his hands on my thigh and around my waist. He was constantly biting my lip and pushing himself into me, but I was determined not to make a sound, fearing I would die from embarrassment if someone looked back and saw us. I broke away from my hunter for a moment, breathing heavily and trying to catch my breath.

"Is this— what normal people do in movie theatres?" I breathed, feeling Kurapika's hot breath hit me.

"Yes." He smiled, bringing one of his hands to my face.

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