Chapter 17 - Paya's Mark

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I walked past Kurapika and was trudging up the stairs once more. I didn't want to know what Kurapika had said to Paya's offer, because part of me already knew the answer. His smile told me everything I needed to know.

A girl like that? I suppose we all have preferences...

"(Y/n)?" Kurapika's voice called after me.

I hadn't answered him, I didn't feel the need after what had happened just earlier. I swiftly went into my room and took a deep breath, trying to center my emotions. Only a few moments after I had entered my room and closed my door, there was a knock.

I really don't want to break down in front of him again, but judging by the way things are going...

"It's open." I stated dryly, walking over to my window and watching as the sun slowly descended into evening.

"You can be angry about your father scolding you, that's no reason to treat me poorly..." Kurapika mumbled, closing the door and looking to me.

Oh god, I can't read his emotions at all.

How am I supposed to tell what he's thinking or feeling?

Something seems different.

Oh. Oh no.

He took Paya's offer.

"Are you leaving?" I asked.

"... Why would I leave?"

"Paya's offer. Have you taken it?"

"... What?"

"It's alright. It's very understandable. You guys hit it off, much more than we did."

Why am I so angry about this? I didn't originally want Kurapika here anyway.

Kurapika half-scoffed. "I don't know the relationship that men and women have in her family. What if I did something that upset her? Would she go crying to her father and ruin a business deal?"

I didn't say anything for a moment. "You could've told me. I would've helped you."

"Why do you care anyway?" Kurapika asked.

It sounded like a genuine question.

"Because you're going to take her offer and leave me!" I snapped.

"Why- why do you think that? Because she glued herself to me? I thought you were supposed to be good at reading people!" He retorted, obviously annoyed, though I didn't know why.

I was right after all. He had to have been leaving.

A moment of silence passed as all the images of Paya rolled through my head. Her hand on my hunter's chest, around his neck, clutching his hand... "... You smile at her differently." I said, my eyes glued to the window.

I could almost hear Kurapika's confusion. "What?"

"The smiles you give Paya. They look different from the ones you give me." I said, trying not to let the hurt come through in my tone.

Why am I acting this way? No wonder he thinks I'm so immature...

"What does that matter?"

"If you don't want to stay with me, you could've taken her offer. I mean, don't feel like you have to stick around just because I'll be married faster if you leave. You didn't go with her, so you didn't say yes, but you don't have to stay with me."



I heard Kurapika take a few more steps towards me before he spoke. "...The difference in the smiles I give you versus the smiles I give Paya is simple. It's just sincerity."

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