Chapter 95 - Oh, Hello

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I was staring at the ceiling again. This time my belly was completely full, though I didn't eat as much as I thought I was going to. Kurapika was laying beside me, but not holding me, which I found unreasonably upsetting.

Exhausted. I'm exhausted. So why can't I sleep?

I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes, shifting a bit and groaning at the discomfort my body brought me.

This will all be over soon...


God, why does everything feel so cold...

"Where did you think you were going?"

That voice-

"Phinks?" I called.

"Did you really think you could just go back and everything would magically be okay?"

"W-Who's there?"

"You made a mistake."

What's happening?

I was back in the cellar, except everything was dark, way darker than it used to be. Out of the shadows came Chrollo, carrying the same dagger he used to stab me. "This time, we'll be careful." He said, swinging the blade back.



I woke up in a hot panic, my neck sore and sweaty hands gripped against the sheets. I swallowed hard and blinked some tears away, trying to get my eyes adjusted to the dark. Soon I saw the hotel's ceiling and let out a breath of relief, looking over to Kurapika, who was still sleeping and faced away from me.

I reached out and winced a bit, feeling a biting pain hit me in the shoulder. Nonetheless I touched Kurapika's arm, shaking him a bit. He stirred, but was still unconscious.

Come on...

I furrowed my eyebrows and clicked my tongue at him. "Hey, Kurapika." I whispered, shaking him harder.

He woke up this time, groaning softly and shifting a bit before propping himself up and looking to me. "(Y/n)?" He asked, his eyes barely open and voice hoarse.

"I—I'm cold." I stated.

"Have you been crying?"

I swiped my hand over my cheeks. "No, no I'm just cold."

Kurapika sighed. "Come here." He mumbled, rolling over to me and extending his arm weakly.

I met his touch, kissing his lips softly before pressing my forehead into his neck and resting my hands on his chest. He readjusted his head before draping his arm over my waist, his long fingers wrapping themselves along my back.

Yes, this is just fine.

. . .

I felt Kurapika squirm beside me, gently pushing me away and attempting to get out of the bed without waking me. I wasn't in the mood to get up yet, or make him feel bad for bumping me, so I rolled over and settled onto my stomach, my eyes open just enough to see Kurapika take his shirt off.

Maybe I am in a mood to get up...

I groaned and sat up, my body aching every time I moved. Kurapika turned back towards me, pulling a new shirt over his head and running his hands through his hair. "Did I wake you?" He asked.


"No." I replied.

He smiled slightly. "You look nice in that shirt." He said.

I looked down to the shirt, remembering that it was his as soon as the color came in to view. "Thank you. I pawned it off of the black market when I was selling hard drugs." I answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

Kurapika furrowed his eyebrows and laughed. "Oh I'm sure."

"It's true! I run with some pretty tough crowds apparently— a mafia boss, a killer magician-"

"Let's just hope these crowds don't get you into more trouble than they're worth."

I hummed and thought over the statement for a moment. "Well the killer magician seems sketchy, but I'm certain the mafia boss is worth any trouble I need to go to."

Kurapika walked towards me and leaned over the bed, placing his hands near the edge of it so that our heads were now even. "What if you get in trouble with the mafia boss?" He asked, tilting his head just slightly to one side.

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Well I've heard the mafia is all about harsh punishments. Honestly, I don't think you can take it..."

I clicked my tongue and shook my head. "You'd be surprised at the things I can take." I answered.

"Aye!" A voice called from the kitchen. "How am I supposed to cook breakfast for you two alone? I'm a guest here, aren't I?"


Kurapika sighed. "Hardly!" He called back to the scruffy man.

I giggled and Kurapika smiled to me. "Put some pants on and holler at me, I'll come and carry you to the kitchen."


"Before you start. I'm taking care of you how I feel fit. No arguments."

I huffed at him and he simply shrugged before leaving the room, his hands now buried in the pockets of his sweatpants. I took in a deep breath and sighed, slightly recalling the nightmare I had, but pushing it away before any details could come crawling back.

I swung my legs over the bed and looked to my suitcase, which was still open from when Kurapika had looked in it the day before. I sighed and stood up, limping across the room with a probably contorted expression on my face. "Damn Phantom Troupe..." I grumbled, pulling a random pair of pants out of my suit case and uncomfortably putting them on. "I swear, if I ever get my hands on them I'll-"

"You'll what?"

Authors note: 🌝🌝🌝

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