Chapter 92 - Oh, Absolutely

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I was carried to the car and sat in the back seat, Illumi on one side of me and Kurapika on the other. Hisoka was sitting in the passenger seat, seemingly much to Leorio's dismay. Kurapika was fiddling with me, checking out my injuries and running his hands softly along my skin. "Sorry I couldn't heal you more..." He trailed off.

"It's okay, it feels much better." I replied, looking down onto myself.

Ew. How does he find this attractive?

I grimaced, lifting the wrist the was crushed with the mallet. I rolled it a bit. "It's bruised, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. And look at my hands! I don't have fingernails, but I also don't have any broken bones! The rest of the injuries aren't even hospital worthy!" I exclaimed.

I saw Leorio look to me through one of the car mirrors. "And a good thing, at that. Imagine trying to explain what happened to you to a bunch of doctors. They'd file it as a domestic abuse case or something like that for sure. Then everything would be complicated..." He commented, his eyes flickering back to the road.

I looked around, my gaze settling on Illumi. "That's a lovely braid." I said, nodding to the man's long and tied back hair.

Illumi just blinked at me before looking back to the window. I giggled and turned back to Hisoka, who had been admiring us for quite some time, his chin rested on his hand. "You two were made for each other." I said.

I saw Leorio furrow his eyebrows. "What do you mean by-" He yapped, cutting himself off and widening his eyes.

Don't tell me he didn't know, it was the most obvious thing ever...

I took a deep breath and groaned a bit, letting one of my hands travel to my chest. "Okay?" Kurapika asked.

I nodded. "Just a bit sore."

Kurapika's heart, it feels relieved— but incredibly concerned. I hope I didn't worry everyone too much...

"We are almost back to the hotel. Hisoka, you and Illumi will see yourselves out, yeah?" Leorio said.

"Awe~ so rude..." Hisoka replied. "I know my (y/n) would show more hospitality, wouldn't you, (y/n)?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but Kurapika answered for me. "(Y/n) is tired. We appreciate your help, but we really can't trust you... And she's not yours."

Hisoka smirked. "Oh, right. I believe your exact words were, 'She is mine. Mine. An-"

"That's enough." Leorio interrupted. "We're here, get out."

. . .

"Kurapika, I can walk, it's fine. My knee and foot aren't even banged up anymore, thanks to you." I said, my arms reluctantly wrapped around Kurapika, who insisted on carrying me to the hotel room.

"None of that." He answered simply, waiting for the elevator to come to a stop.

Leorio was standing next to us, fiddling with his phone and grumbling to himself. "You know, I have a feeling letting those two help will come back to bite us later." He said, placing his phone back into his pocket.

The elevator doors opened and we made our way to our room together. "Let's just hope they don't think we owe them anything. After all, it's not like they ended up being of that much use anyways." Kurapika responded, handing Leorio the key card to our room and gesturing towards the door.

The tall man sighed and opened the door, holding it for Kurapika and I before heading straight for the kitchen. "I'm making myself tea. You guys want some?" He asked, placing the fancy tea pot on the stove and looking back to us.

"You better make it coffee." I said, looking around the familiar room. "I have a feeling I'll pass out if I don't get some caffeine in m- Kurapika did you punch a hold through the tv?"

I looked up to Kurpika, who froze before turning his head towards the broken screen. "... How did you know?" He asked.

"... I think you have anger issues." I said after a moment.

Kurapika blinked and Leorio started to cackle. Kurapika let a reluctant smile grow on his face and spun us back around, carrying me to the bedroom. I started to laugh too, kissing Kurapika's cheek as he shook his head. "Oh shove it, Dopey..." He grumbled, carrying me past the bed and to the bathroom.

"Hey, I want to sleep!" whined, wiggling in Kurapika's arms.

"You're taking a bath first, we need to clean those injuries."

I poked his cheek and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Aye! None of that!" He hissed, setting me down on the edge of the large stone bathtub.

He turned the water on and grabbed a towel that was hanging next to the shower.

That shower...

"I'm going to grab some ointment from Leorio, I'll be right back." Kurapika said, walking out of the bathroom.

I kicked my feet and looked around the room, admiring the marble floors that were just so much better than the cement ones.

The cement ones...

Don't- don't think about it.

His voice-

'Where is the chain user.'

God I didn't know. I didn't know where he was but they would've killed me...

The knife. They were going to— hell, they did.

God stop-

The bloody mallet. I can still hear it crashing down onto my-

"(Y/n)? Hey, are you listening?"

I felt myself come out of my thoughts and my head snap up to Kurapika, who was now standing in front of me. "What? Sorry I was spaced out." I replied.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yes, yes just very tired."

"Like, okay, okay? You've been through a lot. It's okay to not be okay."

I smiled. "Everything is okay."

He smiled back. "Need help?" He asked, nodding towards my body.

"Help doing what?"



"Do you plan to bathe with your dirty clothes on? Because I'm pretty sure we can wash them separately." He said.

Ohhhh. 😏

"You were asking if I need help taking my clothes off." I observed.

"... Yes. I was." Kurapika said after a moment, his face skeptical in a way that was screaming, 'I'm not sure you're okay.'

"Well, I am pretty immobile..." I trailed off, looking around the room innocently before making my way back to my hunters eyes.

He let out a breath of amusement and took a step towards me, gripping the bottom of my sweater and pulling it over my head. He examined the piece of ripped fabric, grimacing at it before placing it onto the floor. I watched in anticipation as he came back to me, reaching around to my back and unclipping my bra.

He looked at the cloth as he slid it over my arms, discarding it to the floor as well. This time when he came back to me, his eyes fell down, dragging over my skin before slowly coming back to my eyes. "I know, it's bad." I said after a moment.


"The injuries. There are a lot of them."

"Oh." Kurapika said, his face pulling into a smirk. "It's not your injuries that have me distracted."

I opened my mouth to say something, but instead just closed it and smiled. "You're joining me, right?" I asked.

"Oh, absolutely."

Authors note: Ah how I missed writing these two 😌

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