Chapter 86 - Affliction For Love

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"I'm asking one more time. Where's the chain user." Feitan's voice echoed again.

I took a moment, lifting my head and gazing around the room. The cement walls and floors mixed with the present scent of blood made the whole situation feel a tad hostile. You know, mixed with the burning pain that made me want to cry.

In retrospect, I wasn't sure why I wasn't crying. I was in so much pain it felt almost numbing, like my entire body was being pressed into by a heated blade.

I was terrified too, my cold and tied down limbs shaking and trembling under the stress I was presented with. Feitan must have noticed my body language, after all, this whole torturing thing didn't seem exactly new to him. I ran my dry tongue around my mouth and spit out some of my own blood, likely caused by one of the times I had been punched in the face that day. "Feitan. Right? That's your name?" I asked.


"You helped kill the Kurta clan?"


"I want you to feel the pain that Kurapika has felt. I want you to feel his pain ten times over."


Screw this.

"You wanna know something Feitan?" I began, hearing the door open again and someone walk in, though I completely ignored it. "I'll keel over fucking dead before I tell you where Kurapika is." I spat, feeling my muscles tense in anger and my voice begin to get louder. "I'd rather kill myself than let you and your pack of disgusting dogs lay a hand on my hunter!"

I hadn't noticed that I was screaming the words I was saying. Nor had I noticed that for the first time since I had gotten into that dreadful place, Feitan seemed genuinely shaken. His eyes wide and body frozen, he dropped the scalpel he was holding.

"... We have to kill her." He said after a moment. "She'll never break."

Feitan looked to the person who had entered the room, Chrollo.

Of course it's Chrollo.

I let my eyes drift to him as well, my brain clouded from the pain and blood loss. "Keep going." The tall man ordered simply. "I'll have a talk with her in the morning, but in the mean time, make sure she doesn't get much sleep."

Feitan nodded as Chrollo exited the room, his calm aura still sending shivers down my spine. Feitan bent over and picked his blade back up, returning to my side and pressing the knife into my forearm. I tilted my head back and bit the inside of my cheek, my legs quivering as the soreness and involuntary throbbing began all over again.

If you turn into a plant you are too vulnerable and you won't be able to see anything, hear anything, or move. It's too risky. It's too stupid.

You can't transform into bugs because you can't form emotional or physical connections with their spirits, right? Plus, bugs are easily killable too...

God I don't know what to do. I just-

I felt my eyes water but immediately blinked back the tears, not wanting Feitan to think he made any sort of progress with me.

I want to be with Kurapika again.

Feitan slashed the knife down one of my calves, making me cry out at the sudden discomfort. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to distract myself again.

Just go to your happy place (y/n). Remember the day Kurapika made love to you for the first time? You took a shower with him, and afterwards he wrapped you up in one of those big fluffy bath towels and scooped you up and kissed you.


Then you got breakfast, even though it was late in the afternoon. He probably wasn't going to get pancakes, but when you couldn't decide between two flavours and chose one, he chose the other so that you could still taste both. Then you went to a-


H-He took you to a movie and kissed you and you knew that's not really what people did at the movies but you loved him so much that you didn't care.

"Where is the chain-user?!" Feitan questioned.

"Shut up!" I yelled back.

Feitan went back to the shelves and pulled out a good sized wooden mallet.

Oh god.

He returned to me and swung the cedar hammer back, slamming it down onto one of my wrists. I opened my mouth, almost surprising myself when no sound came out of it.

It seemed that my whimpers and yelps of opposition were all used up, leaving me completely dry, basking in the agony my hand was now in.

If I thought my fingers were broken when he popped them...

Before I had the chance to fully process what had happened, the hammer was up and down again, smashing into one of my feet. I clamped my mouth shut, biting my own tongue and jerking my head back in protest for the events that were occurring. I wanted to scream for him to stop, but refused to seem weak.

You will not cry. (Y/n) don't you dare cry.

It's just pain. Pain happens to people all the time. You'll get over it.

There's no way out of this.

. . .

Hours. Many hours. I couldn't count them, there was no clock. But seeing as my body began to get more exhausted as time went on, I could guess that it was pretty late, that or pretty early. "Where's the chain user." Feitan asked.

He seemed tired too, after all, he had to stay up with me to satisfy Chrollo's orders.

Go away.

I didn't answer his question anymore. My mouth was too dry and I didn't really have the energy, my heart beating a slow and steady pattern of pain.

Feitan slammed the hammer on top of my kneecap, sending unpleasant violent shivers all over my body. I shuddered at the sensation, sniffing in some blood that had escaped my nose. I hardly flinched though, which I thought made me look pretty tough, although in retrospect I'm pretty sure it was because my body no longer had the strength to involuntarily move.

I refused to look down at myself, not wanting to see what my form had become. Sometimes I'd catch glimpses of it, beaten and bloody. Something you'd see on a scary documentary when you were younger, terrifying you, yet you refused to look away.

"Where is the ch-"

"Feitan, it's morning. Why don't you get some rest while I talk to our friend here." Chrollo's voice interrupted.

I hadn't even noticed the large metal door open this time, and I wasn't too scared of whatever Chrollo was planning to do with me.

"Hello (y/n). I think it's time for us to chat."

Authors note: My hand slipped.

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