Chapter 4 - Close The Damn Window

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After Kurapika left I returned to my bathroom, turning the water off and closing the bathroom door. As I began to undress I suddenly felt a fierce pain in my right hand. Looking down to see the burn I had earned by grabbing the flag that was aflame, I instantly began regretting my former actions.

You couldn't have just kicked it into the water, (y/n)?

I slipped into the bath and pulled my knees up to my chest. I stayed like that for a few more minutes before grabbing a rag and washing myself, humming softly. After the bath-water began to turn brown and lost its' heat,  I let the water slowly drain out of the tub as I sat in it. I didn't have too much on my mind, but at the same time I felt stressed, and not just because of what happened to Chiyo.

. . .

I wrapped a towel around my pruned body and attempted drying my hair by scrunching and squeezing it. Walking back into my room I noticed something placed on the small coffee table. It was a dish filled with food, and there was a note attached to it.


If he thinks he can get me to like him by bringing me lunch he's dead wrong.


It's still thoughtful, though.

After deciding to wear my red dress with a plaid skirt, I braided my hair and put on my best black socks.

(Take this image and run with it lmao)

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(Take this image and run with it lmao)

I opened my window and looked down, grimacing at the distance there was to climb.

It's only two stories, so even if I fall I'll be relatively okay.

I tossed one leg over the edge, placing my hand on the window sill and beginning to shift myself. "Going somewhere? You didn't even eat the food I brought you. Don't you know that three meals a day is good for you?"

I let out a huff and rolled my eyes before looking back to the blonde hunter. "You ask too many questions, and you sound so monotone."

"Would you come down from there? It's dangerous."

"I have thick skin."

"If it's not thick enough to withstand a bit of fire, I doubt it's thick enough to withstand a descent fall." He retorted, his voice still even and calm.

I sighed in defeat and climbed down from the window, examining Kurapika's different posture as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

He seems more laid back now...

"Why did you decide to come in here now of all times?" I inquired, sitting at one of the seats next to my coffee table and examining the food before me.

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