Chapter 54 - Lovely Mornings

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Lavender. Pine. I love the smell of lavender and pine. Kurapika smells like lavender and pine...

I refused to open my eyes, knowing the sunlight was shining through the window just like it was every time I woke up in Kurapika's room.

But, I'm not in Kurapika's room.

Wait a minute.

Wait a damn minute.

Nope. My heart can't handle it. I'm going back to sleep.

. . .

The next time I woke up, I felt a bit more conscious, or, conscious enough to process things a bit better.

Warm. I feel warm. But, not me. What's warm?

It's the same as earlier ...

Lavender and pine.

I opened my eyes just a bit, feeling them squint involuntarily at the sudden brightness. I was facing the window now, and once I had adjusted to the light I realized it had snowed all night.

So pretty, it looks just like a movie ...

I smiled to myself and inhaled deeply, moving my fingers a bit and stretching out my legs. I froze when I felt something else shift in the bed, something I had completely forgotten about.


I stayed frozen until the shifting had stopped before turning over towards the sound.


Oh my lord.

There he was, my hunter, hair covering half of his face and his tank top loosely draped over his body. He was only inches from me, his steady breathing hitting my skin and his hand resting in between us on the mattress. I swallowed hard, trying not to make any noise that might have woken him up.

Oh how I wish I had a camera...

He whimpered in his sleep, making my eyes droop immediately. "Are you having a bad dream?" I whispered, watching as Kurapika's face slowly relaxed. "What do you dream about? I wonder..."

Oh no. Is he crying?

I felt myself inhale and I pushed some hair out of my hunter's face, placing my hand gently onto his jawline and brushing one of his tears away. "Oh, shh, it's okay." I murmured, resting my palm on the boy's cheek and watching his melancholy face ease once more. "You have bad dreams too, huh. Do you only cry in your sleep?"

I knew he couldn't hear me, but whispering comforting words to him seemed like the only thing I could do in the moment to help him. He shifted in his sleep once more, this time moving a bit more drastically. I retracted my hand back to my chest and froze once more as Kurapika placed his arm over my lower back. He pulled me even closer to him, his lips brushing against my forehead and his hand securely holding my waist. I felt my heart rate increase and my eyes open wider, my entire body tensing at the sensation of being held in such a way.

After a few moments, I relaxed my muscles and closed my eyes, no longer feeling any sort of worry.

Is this what being held is like? Comforting to the point of calming even me down?

I gently nuzzled myself closer to Kurapika, my own hands no longer pressed to my chest and instead gripped onto the blonde's tank top. Kurapika pressed his lips into my forehead and I smiled, inhaling his soft scent once more before drifting off to sleep.

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