Chapter 69 - The Second🍋

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(I wasn't planning on having a smut in this chapter, but it's chapter 69, so I just had to. Without further ado: This chapter contains graphic consensual sexual content. I will put another warning right before the scene starts so that you can leave if you are uncomfortable <3
Reminder: if you are under sixteen you should probably not be reading this anyways, but chances are you've already read the other sex scene soo... I mean just be careful lil babie. (I'm pretty sure this app is ages 17 and up but I think we've all broken that rule a couple times.))

-knock knock-

"That's probably Leorio. You should get that." I mumbled into Kurapika's chest, his arms still wrapped around me.

He sighed and released me, walking to the door while I changed into my biker shorts.

What day is it today? The fourth?

Isn't today my birthday?

"Whoops." I muttered, slipping socks on and walking to the door by Kurapika.

Leorio trudged into the room and flopped down onto the couch, ranting about something that I couldn't quite make out. Kurapika started making coffee while I closed the hotel room door, joining Leorio on the couch. "You seem exhausted, did you get much sleep last night?" I asked the man.

"Sleep? No, I think I'll never get sleep ever again."

"Oh lord, what happened?"

"There's a lot going on in this city, and if I've been correctly informed, things may get a bit messy." Leorio said lowly, leaning forward and eyeing Kurapika.

"What do you mean?" I whispered.

"I'm not going to tell Kurapika anything yet, because if I'm wrong this information would make him very upset."

"Leorio, what's happened?"

"Here's some coffee, Leorio." Kurapika intervened, walking over to the couch and setting two coffees in front of Leorio and me.

I smiled and picked the second cup up, looking to Kurapika. "We should go out tonight! I'm eighteen now, so I can party it up!" I suggested, sipping my coffee.

Kurapika's eyes widened. "It's the fourth today? How could I forget?" He said, sitting down next to me and looking at his watch.

"Oh don't be silly." I dismissed. "You've already given me my present this morning."

Kurapika looked at me for a moment before his jaw dropped, making me break out into giggles. "I didn't even realize until five minutes ago, you're fine." I added, leaning back a bit.

Kurapika cleared his throat and took my coffee from me, taking a drink out of it before handing it back. "So, what were you two talking about before I came over here?" My hunter asked.

Leorio looked from Kurapika to me and lowered his gaze just slightly. "We were talking about the marks on (y/n)'s neck. Has she been attacked by an animal?" Leorio questioned, his face pulling into a smirk.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Marks? What's he on about? And why is everyone staring at my neck today?

"Oh, that." Kurapika said.

I handed my coffee to Kurapika and stood up. "I'm running to the bathroom, be right back." I said, leaving the two men and heading for the master bathroom.

I closed the door and adjusted my clothes, making my way to the mirror. My gaze caught on the bathtub first, and I felt my eyebrows raise as my mind when somewhere very dirty.

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