Chapter 22 - Fevermad

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Kurapika was now laying in his bed with a wet towel on his forehead. He had been asleep for about an hour now, and I hadn't left his side for a moment. At first I was just staring at him, but as time passed I decided to pick up his book and read it aloud, hoping it would provide some comfort, even if he was asleep.

Look at the bright side of this, (y/n). Now you know he wasn't being rude because he was jealous, he just didn't feel well! All of this acting strange was nothing more than sickness.

That also means he isn't in love with me.

He isn't in love with me.

I cleared my throat and shoved my thoughts to the back of my head, turning the page of the book and continuing to read. After about ten more minutes of that, I lowered the book and looked at my hunter. I sighed, closing the book and placing it on his bedside table. "You can't scare me like this." I muttered, taking the towel off of his forehead and feeling the skin under it.

"You're still so warm, how did I not feel it earlier?"

Unless he wasn't sick when I felt his forehead at dinner yesterday...

I took a deep breath and went to the bathroom, ringing out the towel and placing it under the sink to put new cold water into it. Kurapika stirred a bit in his sleep, making my eyes shoot to him. I rang out the towel and rushed to his side, placing the fabric back onto his forehead. The blonde's eyes fluttered open and he looked to me, his eyebrows furrowed. "What were you thinking, walking around with a bad fever? Don't you know how much you made me worry?" I scolded, my eyes softening when Kurapika looked to me.

"... I'm, sorry. I feel alright now, so there's no need to worry." He responded, pulling his sheets off and trying to get out of the bed.

I pushed him back into the bed, surprised at how little effort it took to overpower him. "What do you think you're doing?" I said, placing the blankets back on top of him.

"With all respect, my lady, I can't do my job from bed. I need to stay by your side and I can't do that bedridden."

"To hell with your job! And I'm not leaving your side, so it won't be an issue." I declared. "And don't call me 'my lady'! Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid hunter."

"... Well there's no need to be so rude."

"I'm not being rude. You're just infuriating." I spat.

"That's not the first time you've said that." He said, his eyes closed but a smile emerging onto his face.

I smiled too. After all, I was worried about him, and seeing my friend alright made me feel alright. "... So, which set of lingerie was your favorite?" I asked, eyeing Kurapika.

He laughed, his eyes still closed. "The one with straps definitely. I'm just surprised you didn't choose the hideous two-pieced dress." He joked.

I laughed. "That one almost made me vomit." I replied.

"Ah, but you decided to save the vomit for the lingerie?" He teased, one of his eyes opening and looking to me.

I opened my mouth and lightly hit the blonde. "Watch your mouth! God I can't believe I did that. I had just never thought of, you know..."

"Having sex with him?" Kurapika intervened.

"... You have a lot less social cues when you're sick, did you know that?" 

Kurapika chuckled and didn't respond for a moment, letting silence fill the room. "...Why'd you kiss him?"

"He kissed me."

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