Chapter 42 - Final Moments

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My eyes hurt as they opened, squinting at the light that shined through the windows.

Oh yeah, Kurapika doesn't shut his curtains.

Oh shit, I'm in Kurapika's room.

I froze for a moment, realizing that I still held his hand in mine, and it was indeed still pressed to my lips.

Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid (y/n).

I very slowly moved my head to the side, laying eyes on the blonde who had fallen asleep on a chair that sat next to the bed. I sat there for a moment, just to make sure he was definitely asleep, before kissing his hand and releasing it. I heard him stir and rolled over to face away from him, trying to predict what he might've done when he woke up. I heard his breathing pattern change as he shifted in his chair, clearing his throat after a moment. I tried to keep my breathing slow and steady, not wanting the hunter to know that I was faking being asleep.

Why exactly am I faking being asleep?

He stood up and walked into his closet, and I took the opportunity to cuddle into the center of his bed, pillows on either side of me that both held Kurapika's scent, as well as his sheets that I buried myself into.

I could get used to this.

After a few minutes, Kurapika reemerged from his closet and walked over to the bed again, making my chest tighten. He stood there for a moment before sighing. "Why do you have to be in the middle of the bed?" He whispered, climbing on top of the mattress and sitting next to me.

He placed his hand on my forehead just as he did the day before, his warmth making me smile softly to myself. "Well, you aren't dead yet." He said in a low tone.

I took his voice as an opportunity to 'wake up', stretching a bit before squinting my eyes at the sunlight once more. He stayed still, waiting for me to notice him. "Good morning, my lady. Do you find it odd that we live in the same house, yet you've slept in my bed twice now?" He asked, his voice tired and raspy in a way that made me want to explode.

I rolled to my side and faced him. "Well, Trisha bet that it would be much more than just twice. Why are you on the bed anyway? I'm guessing you didn't come to cuddle~" I joked, sitting up and rubbing at my eyes.

"I wanted to check your temperature, but you had migrated to the center of the bed, so I couldn't reach you." He explained, climbing off of the bed and fixing his clothes.

I yawned and stretched my hands above my head, clasping them together and arching my back. I moaned softly at the pleasant sensation and flopped back onto the bed, opening my eyes and looking at the ceiling. "We are leaving today, aren't we!" I exclaimed, popping up once more and hopping out of Kurapika's bed.

"Yes, are you packed?"

"Y-Yes, I just didn't fully process it, I mean, yesterday..."

"About that, what exactly happened yesterday? When I left everything seemed fine, but you came downstairs very upset."

"Part of it was probably the pre-hypothermia, but Trisha and Kenta said some things that I wasn't too happy about. I didn't know if they were still going to be in my room, but I didn't want to risk it. Looking back it probably wasn't the most thought through idea, but what can ya do?" I explained, adjusting my dress and walking towards the door. "Hey, Kurapika, aren't you curious about the wedding now that you know about Trisha and Kenta? I mean, you must have a lot of questions, right?"

Kurapika thought for a moment. "Actually, I don't. I know everything I need to, and I won't be here for the wedding, so it's all the same to me."

... Ouch. My heart.

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