Chapter 66 - Turning Water

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I was awake.

I had been asleep for a good amount of time, but now I was watching the rain fall and listening to the steady breathing of my hunter, who's head was resting right in between my breasts. There was still a bit of pain that my body held, well, maybe it was more of a soreness, or exhaustion. My hips felt worn, and so did practically all of my muscles, yet I was incredibly content.

I ran my fingers lightly over my hunter's bare back, admiring the illuminated buildings that flickered through the rain fall. I wasn't sure what time it was, probably somewhere around one or two in the afternoon.

Leorio left around eight in the morning, and I'm not sure how long Kurapika and I...

I flushed at my own thoughts, my skin heating up and crawling as I relived the sensations I had experienced earlier that day. I was still completely nude, unlike Kurapika, who had put his boxers back on before returning to the bed. I took a deep breath and looked down to my hunter, who's back was riddled with claw marks and a bite mark on his neck. I internally apologized and continued running my fingers aimlessly over his back, thinking about how lucky I was to have found someone who loved me so gently.

Kurapika stirred in his sleep, his eyes fluttering a bit before opening. I stayed still, watching as his breathing pattern changed slightly and he moved his hands, which were both wrapped around my lower back right above my hips. He smiled, just a bit, before pulling his arms out from under me and running them both down the outsides of my legs. I shivered at his touch on my bare skin, feeling just a bit exposed and getting butterflies all over again.

Kurapika lifted his head and shifted again, placing a kiss on my stomach before looking up to my face. "How long have you been awake?" He asked, his voice a bit hoarse in a way that made my insides tighten.

"Not long." I answered simply.

He placed his hands onto the mattress and pushed himself up so that he was laying beside me. "You're pretty like this." He whispered, his fingers reconnecting with my skin and drawing mindless circles around it.

I rolled to my side and felt his chest, my hands drifting over his bandages and traveling to his back. "Pretty like what?" I asked, looking up to my hunter's eyes, which were now back to their gorgeous grey.

"Nude. And in bed with me." He smirked, taking one of my hands in his and kissing it.

I giggled and placed my hand onto his cheek, running my thumb along his face and inching closer to him. "Kiss me?" I asked, tilting my head and looking into my hunter's mouth.

He connected his lips to mine and pulled me closer to him, my bare body pressing against his and making my skin crawl all over again. I opened my mouth, just slightly, and ran my tongue along Kurapika's lower lip. He smiled and met my tongue with his, one of his hands tangling itself into my hair as we began to make out. Kurapika disconnected from me for a moment, breathing heavily and pulling his gaze over my skin.

"Do you know how much you drive me crazy?" He asked, taking his hand from my hair and bringing it to my face.

He ran his thumb over my mouth, just as he had done in Pethmers, and I smiled before opening my mouth and downing his whole thumb. His eyes widened as I bit down lightly on his hand, feeling his thumb touch the top of my throat. "Now you've done it." He muttered.

He pulled his hand out of my mouth and looked at it, examining the saliva that encased his thumb. I giggled and stuck my tongue out at him, watching as he lifted an eyebrow and scoffed lightly. I rubbed my legs together and inhaled sharply, surprised at how badly my body ached for Kurapika's touch. I swallowed and brought my mouth to his neck, kissing where I had bitten him hours before.

I licked along the bite mark before retracting my head and biting Kurapika's lower lip. He let out a sound of surprise and stayed still as I sank my teeth into his lip just a bit harder, pulling on it and looking up to his eyes. He closed his eyelids for a moment and I waited, my teeth still tugging on his lip.

He opened his eyes again and I felt my own eyes flicker with interest, watching the red and lust-filled eyes bore through me once more. I parted my mouth, releasing Kurapika's lip and taking my face away. He smirked and brought his mouth to my ear, exhaling onto it and making me shiver. "Why so shy? Were you not biting my lip just a moment ago? Don't tell me my scarlet eyes scare you into submission~"


I felt my breath hitch and I opened my mouth as if to speak, but closed it after a moment. Kurapika sighed and sat up, both of his arms retracting themselves from my body. "I'm going to shower." He said, pulling the covers off of himself and getting out of the bed.

"W-But-" I fumbled, watching with disappointment as Kurapika approached the bathroom.

He looked back to me and smiled gently. "I'm not going to do that to you twice in one day, at least not yet."

I huffed and Kurapika chuckled. "Can I come?" I asked, sitting up.

I felt the sheets fall off of me and I flushed, watching as Kurapika's eyes drifted to my chest. "You want to shower with me?" He asked, his gaze dragging over my skin and returning to my eyes.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed, looking over the edge of the bed to try and find my pyjamas again.

"Alright, I'll turn the water on." Kurapika said, disappearing into the bathroom.

I heard the shower start and reached over the side of the bed to grab my underwear, slipping them on from under the covers before hopping out of the bed. I stumbled immediately and whimpered, bringing my hands to my hips. "Holy-"

I placed my hand on the bed and stabled myself, feeling my face contort as the soreness of my legs set in.

I don't even remember being uncomfortable, what could've even caused this?

Well, I suppose my legs were spread pretty far apart...

I bit my lip and raised my eyebrows, recalling exactly what position I had been in.

If that was him being gentle...

I heated up and shook my head, walking to the bathroom and peering into it. Kurapika was brushing through his hair by the sink, his now grey eyes droopy and beautiful. I smiled to myself and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him from behind and resting my chin on his shoulder. "You ruined me." I stated, raising my eyebrows and trying to seem intimidating.

"Oh yeah? How did I do that?"

"I fear my hips will never feel the same again."

Kurapika laughed and turned around, his hands running over my curves and settling on my waist. "Why'd you bother to put underwear back on? Aren't you about to take them off again anyways?" He asked, stepped back and observing my body.

I huffed. "Well you're wearing underwear..."

Kurapika chuckled and pulled me closer to him, my bare chest hitting his. "You're cute." He remarked, holding me to him and placing his forehead on top of my head. "Now strip."

Authors note: hehe

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