Chapter 78 - Renewed

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Leorio and I rushed back to the hotel and I tried to explain the situation to him, although he wasn't informed of my former situation in the clan and probably had no idea what I was on about.

"Okay, so I thought I was in the head clan, right? Well it turns out that I am! But the head clan I'm a part of is the head clan that died out because of a disease? And I think I have the disease because I cough up blood everytime I use my powers! Anyways, so I don't think my father is my real father, and I didn't really like him anyways so I'm not too torn up about it. Also! Now I'm wondering why I was set up in an arranged marraige because like, I'm not actually weak, I just didn't know how to use my powers because surprise! I'm actually not broken!"


"... Was that a lot?"

"... I think I should call Kurapi-"

"Don't! I don't want to interrupt him, he'll just have to leave again. I think I should get more information of everything before I try to tell him, I mean, this book has the head clan's powers explained and if I can figure this out? Leorio I could be strong! As strong as the head family! Can you believe that?"

"(Y/n) didn't you say that you had the disease that the main clan had?"

"Well yeah, but everyone in the main clan has it. That's why they all... oh."

"You can't use your powers if you're going to die! (Y/n)!"

"Leorio I'll be fine. There's something different about me. I've gotten stronger every time I use my powers and- I mean why would the entire clan trick me my whole life if they weren't hiding something?"

"I don't know, but we really don't have enough information for you to be risking these things. Especially while Kurapika's away."

"All the information I need is right here. And it's sure as hell better than any information I would get from my fake ass family."

Leorio sighed and looked to the book. "Fine. But we are getting you a phone tomorrow and you are explaining everything to Kurapika in a call... or message. If he feels the need to come back, he will, if not? You're good to go."

I narrowed my eyes. "I may be in love with Kurapika, but I refuse to refrain from exploring my powers. This is something I need to do, and whether I have support or not, I will do it."

Leorio stayed silent for a moment before crossing his arms and eyeing me, a smirk emerging onto his face. "That sounded pretty badass, beanie baby! You're pretty cool! Independent little thing..."

I smiled. "Stupid Leorio... I'll be reading!" I called, skipping to my room.

. . .

I had been reading for a bit over five hours now, memorizing the book's contents inside and out so that I would know everything I possibly could.

I wonder if this is the only book on the (l/n) clan...

I set the book down and sighed, feeling rather exhausted from the week I had.

Controlling my powers seems pretty simple. Instead of focussing on the contract and actually shifting when I try to transform, all I have to do is visualize what I actually want to transform into.

Not to mention the book said I could shape shift into any organism, but does that include plants?

Ohohoho, now I know why father forced me to study a shit ton of plants along with the animals.

Sly bastard, if he's even my real father...

Authors note: I know this chapter was extremely short, but I figured it was better than nothing. I know some of you are upset that I didn't upload yesterday but please keep in mind that I'm a student and have a job and family to take care of. <3 usually writers update around once a week, but I have to write about 2,000 words a day to update daily, so please be patient with me and if I don't upload just reread the book or something fun to keep you entertained. Sorry to disappoint ❤️❤️

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