Chapter 75 - Lonely Days

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The day passed by slowly. I felt drained, not bothering to get out of my pyjamas or wash my face.

I just want to roll up into a ball and sleep forever.

I took a deep breath and walked to the window of my bedroom, resting my elbow on the window cill and gazing out onto the city.

Where are you now? I wonder...

"You slept in today. It's three in the afternoon." Leorio's voice came in.

I turned around and saw the tall man by the door, leaning onto the wall and looking out of the window as well. "I miss him too. You get used to it." He said.

"Get used to it. Yeah."

Sounds like a bad thing to get used to...

"... Listen, Kurapika's- he's complicated. He's like, three different people in one, and depending on the day and situation he changes. You met a side of him that's different from the reality."

"... Don't say such things." I muttered.

Leorio sighed and pushed himself off of the door, walking to the window and joining me with his elbows on the window cill. "He's unfortunate. And brilliant." Leorio added.

"He's agonizing. But I love him."

"Yes, I believe it to my core. I never thought- I don't know. I never thought he'd find someone like you."

"Trust me. I'm the worst."

Leorio laughed. "But he sees you as if you are everything good in the world. I've never seen him smile so much."

I smiled, watching the rain fall from the sky and splash onto the ground. "Leorio, I'm very grateful for you. I can see why Kurapika likes you so much. You don't have to stay, if you don't want. I know you probably have more important things to do..."

"Trust me, I really have nothing better to do but be here. Plus, I feel the same. I'm glad we are getting to know each other better."

Shame on me for ever thinking ill of this man, even if he is a funny one sometimes...

"I think I've matured since I've known Kurapika. You should've met me a month and a half ago, I was so angry all the time." I said, letting out a breath of amusement.

"Ha! He told me that you used to hate him."

"W- you've talked about me?"

"Oh god (y/n) you're all he talks about."

I felt my heart tighten at Leorio's words and pushed away my thoughts. "I think I need a nap. But you better tell me everything he's ever said."

"Hohoho that's classified information."


"I actually don't think I remember-"

"I'll hurt you!"


. . .

I took about a two hour nap before staring at the ceiling for a bit, thinking over everything that had happened to me in such a short period of time.

I've done nothing my entire life. Nothing. And all the sudden a hunter comes in and changes everything? In a month nonetheless? I must have really been desperate...

That, or I fell in love hard and fast.

I rolled over and looked at the time.

5:57 P.M.

I should eat again...

I made my way to the living room once more, not seeing Leorio anywhere I usually would.

Did he take my offer and leave? I must have been asleep...

-knock knock-

"Leorio, didn't I give you a key?" I called, walking to the door and unlocking it. "You should really learn how to-"

"Hello again, darling."



"... Hisoka why are you here?"

"I came to check up on you~ after last night I assumed you would be taken or dead by now!"

Wait a minute.

"You saw me last night? And just because I drank doesn't mean I would've died..."

Hisoka narrowed his eyes, his smile fading. "You are too oblivious and too faithful in the good of humanity. Bad things happen. And they'll happen to you. Be careful."

"You seem too chaotic neutral to be caring for me so much. Why do you keep telling me these things? We barely know each other."

"Hm. I suppose it's the power or curiosity and association. Plus, you're a specialist, which makes you very interesting~"

"I'm no specialist. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Ohohoho~ trying to cover it up? Your power is raw and emotional, something that I quite like. It grows with your compassion, and I'm very curious to see just how strong it can get when you're faced with hardships."

"Trust me Hisoka. Whatever you think of me? It's not true. I'm no powerful specialist, and you're beginning to worry me with all of this warning stuff."

"Good. Be worried. Be alert. I don't want to see something like this happen. It's a bit too tragic for me. Like, Romeo and Juliet."

"You are a very strange man. I have to go take a nap."

"Have fun darling~"

Maybe there's a reason he dresses like a clown...

. . .

Leorio came back not too long after Hisoka visited, it turns out he just ran to get food. "What do you think about me getting a phone? Then I could leave Kurapika voicemails and call you when you're out and stuff."

Leorio slurped up more of his ramen and swallowed hard before speaking. "I think it's a great idea. Kurapika would love to hear your voice, plus if you ever get yourself into trouble, you could just call me!"

I hummed and ate more of my ramen, enjoying the comfortable silence that grew between us. "Would you want to go to a library tomorrow? Apparently Glam Gas Land has a pretty cool one, and I have something I want to research." I said.

Leorio perked up. "Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Someone said something to me that has me thinking a bit about my clan, and about my powers. Almost as if I've been going about using my nen the wrong way or something, like, maybe I'm more powerful than I thought. It's probably nothing, but the more I think about it the more my abilities seem different from the rest of my clan."

As if I was told I was weak and broken my entire life to cover up something deeper...

"The library sounds great! Want to go tomorrow?"

"Yes! That sounds lovely, thank you."

"You're like a little beanie baby, I can never say no to you."


What's a beanie baby?

Authors note: > : )

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