Chapter 8 - Not Friends

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"Angela, how are you?" I said, handing Haru to Kurapika and embracing her.

"I'm well, how was yesterday? Did you get yelled at by your dad?"

"No, actually, your brother came over for dinner."

"Kenta? Did you guys have fun?"

"Angie, you know how I feel about the marriage. They talked about me like I was an object, like they always do."

"Kenta is a good man, you should give him a chance. That is, unless you and blondie have hit it off. You guys looked pretty close when you were holding Haru~"

"Definitely not. You just caught us in a good moment."

"Too bad~"

"You do know that I'm standing right here, don't you?" Kurapika intervened, setting Haru down and grabbing Kouta's reins.

"You would be able to read our emotions even if you were 20 feet away, there's no need to hide it from you." I retorted, walking to Katashi and mounting him. "Angela, I have to go and tutor your brother now. Wish me luck."

Kurapika looked very confused. Angela giggled. "You realize he's an outsider right?

Ah, whoops. I guess he wouldn't be able to read our emotions. I wonder what that's like...

"Good luck," Angela continued "and play nice with Kenta! He is your fiancé after all~"

I sighed and clicked my tongue, Katashi and Kouta continuing their journey down the path. "You know, things would be a lot easier if you considered me a friend..." Kurapika muttered, his horse walking peacefully next to mine.

I can't be friends with men. They all seem to be the same.

"I simply do not wish to argue with you any longer. I don't wish to argue with anyone, for that matter. I told you why you make me so angry for your own benefit. That being said, I don't plan on being your friend."

"That's a bit harsh. It's not like despise you."

"After the things you yelled yesterday, it would seem you don't want to be my friend either."

"You yelled things at me too!"

"Yes. And I meant them. And I'm not trying to be your friend."

"You are onerous."

"You don't understand."


"Hmph!" I mimicked, clicking my tongue at Katashi and getting him to move faster.

Kurapika scoffed and clicked his tongue as well, causing Kouta to speed up. I glared at the blonde, who was smirking at me in victory as our horses trotted along side each other once more. I sneered, looking at Kouta and focusing my energy. Once I had singled out Kouta, I clicked my tongue at him twice, making the horse stop dead in his tracks as Katashi happily trotted down the large dirt road. I now wore the victorious smirk as I watched Kurapika glare at me from a distance, his face getting smaller and smaller as I got farther away.

There were a few minutes of peaceful silence before I heard the clomping of a Clydesdale coming towards Katashi and I at full speed. Looking behind me and seeing a frantic Kurapika riding Kouta, who was now galloping, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

Oh shit, that horse is coming right at us. Why is he moving so fast?

Oh, shit. Can Kurapika not stop him?

I lead Katashi to the side of the road before standing on top of the horse and waiting for Kurapika to get closer. Once he was right next to me, I jumped onto the horse, sitting behind the blonde. "What the hell did you do?" I asked, clicking my tongue at the horse and focusing my energy once more.

"I didn't do anything! I asked one of the villagers to help me move the horse!"

"Well you can't just ask the clan for helping you with normal things! Whoever it was probably assumed you could use our nen abilities!"

"What would that matter?!"

"They probably figured that the horse was stubborn so they put a lot of energy and effort into telling the horse to go fast!" I yelled, whistling and watching as the horse slowed to a steadier gallop. "You know, for someone who acts so proper, you really don't know what you're doing."

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't stopped my horse."

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't pissed me off. How did you not think of what would happen? Do you not know how nen works?"

"I've been here for two days, give me a break."

"I'll give you a break when you become likeable."

"Then I'll show more emotion when you stop being a pain in my ass."




"...We aren't going fast anymore, you don't need to have that death grip on me." Kurapika mumbled, rolling his shoulders back and making me realize that I was hugging his torso from behind him.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the blush that grazed my cheeks before jerking my hands back. "What, were you enjoying yourself back there?" Kurapika mused, turning his head slightly to see me out of the corner of his eye.

"You wish."

Stupid hunter.

The accident with Kouta was partially helpful, bringing us to Kenta's house way faster than a normal trip would. I dismounted the Clydesdale and patted him, silently thanking and sort of apologizing for the orders he was given. "I didn't know that Angela and Kenta were siblings." Kurapika commented as he dismounted the horse and followed me to the house.

Kenta was waiting for me in his backyard, just like he always did on Thursdays. "Ah, (y/n)! Right on time! And you brought the hunter..."

God, I don't know which one a hate more. Kenta or Blondie.

... Definitely Kenta.

"So, (y/n), what are you planning on teaching me today?" Kenta queried, walking over to me and hugging me.

God, you saw me just yesterday. Do you need to hug me every time I see you?

"Um, today we are reviewing how to communicate with unsocial animals. Because it takes more of an emotional connection, it's one of your weak points. We could go to Swan Lake, or the stream behind the school, or-"

"You know what? I just hiked on a beautiful secluded part of (l/n) Mountain! There was a pond and lots of birds. What do you say, wanna take a hike with me? The hunter guy can go fiddle with his swords or something."

"That sounds nice, but we should save it for another time. Swan lake has many fish and other creatures, I suggest we go there today."

"Very well, you're the teacher after all~" Kenta said, mounting his horse and sweeping me on to the back of it. "Hold on tight! Omoshiro doesn't like going slow!" He said, kicking the horse and making it speed us away.

God, I hate tutoring. And did he have to kick the horse? Such bad communication skills...

Authors note:I feel like this book is bad right now, but I have such good story to come that I won't give up on it 🥺

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