Chapter 82 - Jarred Teeth

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I was placing books on the blue-suit-guy's shelves, trying to ignore my throbbing hands as he began to talk on the phone.

"Well I couldn't imagine why. I'm good at what I do, Jared."

I'd kick the shit out of Jared too, if I could. God I want to get out of this place.

I wasn't very sure why I was in such a bad mood over this ordeal, after all, I was the person who voluntarily took Miriam's place.

Maybe it was because I was still trying to process all the new information about my clan, or because I missed Kurapika, or maybe, gee I don't know, because I was stuck in a room with a perverted dentist and there was nothing I could do about it.

No matter how many threats I made in my head, nothing changed the fact that by law I was bound to do this, not to mention I had faith that Leorio would come and get me out of the situation in a completely legal way. I wasn't quite sure what the consequences of hurting a government official would be, but I wasn't about to do something stupid just because I was angry.

Leorio will come with Kurapika.


Kurapika! That means I'll see him again soon! And I can explain everything about my clan to him and he can hug me and make it all better!

Yes. This will be just fine. I just need to suck it up and tough it out.

"Flower, why are you just standing there? Did I not tell you to organize my books? You can't just stand there and look pretty now, can you~"

Can it tooth man, you look like a rat in a man's body.

"Sorry, sir." I muttered, picking up my pace and organizing the books faster.

The man in the blue suit slowly stood up. "Sir sounds so formal. How about you call me Griffin."

"Griffin. That's a lovely name."

He inhaled sharply and fluttered his eyes as I spoke, practically shuddering in pleasure just because I said his name.


"Weren't you on the phone, Griffin?" I asked, pretending to focus very hard on the books I was shelving.

Griffin snapped out of whatever trance he was in and returned to his phone. "Jared? Are you still there?"

I heard a muffled response on the other end of the phone before Griffin spoke again. "Sorry about that, my new pet is... distracting."

I cringed and continued to place the books down, occasionally catching glimpses of the covers.

A book named, 'Exodontia and Exodontics' doesn't exactly sound like a fun read. What even is that?
(If you need to look up these terms, feel free tehe)

And who the hell even names a book, 'Full Mouth Extraction, the Learns of Subs'


Ohhh, submissive.


Oh fuck.

"Kitten? Why are you taking so long again? May I remind you once again that you are to make haste of any chore I give you?" Griffin piped up.

I flinched and dropped the book, quickly bending down and shoving it onto the shelf while my heartbeat quickened.

What did the sign on this building say again? Was it, 'Dental Industry'?

I swallowed hard and placed the last book carefully on the bottom shelf.

Please hurry Kurapika.

Griffin slowly stood up and walked by the bookshelves gradually, his bushy eyebrows furrowed and pointy nose high in the air. He pursed his thin lips, making the cheeks on his slender face cave in even more. "You messed up. Here. See?" He said, stepping back and motioning for me to see my error.

I came forward a bit and looked down onto the book.

Ah shit. It's "Full Mouth Extraction, the Learns of Subs" again. I must've rushed to put it in after the title scared me.

He doesn't seem aggressive though, I'll just mind my manners and fix it.

"I'm incredibly sorry, Griffin. I'll fix it right away." I proposed, bending down to pick up the book.

Griffin exhaled and make a sound on dissatisfaction, grabbing my hair and pulling me back up from my crouched position. "You told me you could read. You lied." He snarled, shoving me away from him.

"No sir, I can read I promise, I just made a mistake." I pleaded, bringing my hands out in front of me.

His face immediately softened and he came closer to me once again, running his palm along my cheek. "No, no dear don't worry, you didn't make a mistake. There are no such things as mistakes here. Want to know my special way of teaching?"

No. No I do not.

"My rule is that we learn from our mistakes." He continued, taking a strand of my hair and pushing it behind my ear. "We learn from exactly what we mess up on! So pick up the book you misplaced."

I did as he commanded and grabbed the book, letting him take it from me and watching as he smiled at the cover. "So you'll be learning from this book then. I'll teach you, don't worry." He said, slowly opening the book.

Now. Now I understand.

Now I understand why only men were in the trailer. And why all of them were so shocked that I took Miriam's place.

A pretty lass like me coming here. I get it now.

I've screwed up. So bad.

Griffin walked back to his desk and slowly opened up a drawer, taking out pliers as I stood still, completely frozen in place. I stared at the rusty and discoloured pliers in horror, my body refusing to move, my brain weighing everything over.

I could become a criminal, but this.

This is not about following laws and being a well behaved servant now. He's going to pull my teeth out with those pliers.

I inhaled sharply.

Do something, (Y/n). Move. Transform. Come on you've been talking to yourself about kicking this guy's ass, so do it.

Do it!

-knock knock-

"Who is it? I'm doing something rather important." Griffin said, rolling his head back in the direction of the door to his office.

"Mr. Leland, sir, there are two men here looking for the servant girl. She's free, sir." A man's voice echoed, likely the receptionist from earlier.

Griffin's mouth turned into an off frown, one that created an obese amount of wrinkles on his face, making him look much older than he usually did. He groaned and slammed the pliers down onto the floor, picking up the book and staring into the pages with a disappointed look.

I rushed past him and flung the door open, pushing past the receptionist and practically falling down the stairs.

I would do it all over again to save Miriam from this fate.

And now? I get to see Kurapika.

I drifted past a corner and sprinted down the hall. "Kurapika! Leorio!" I called, running to the outlines of the tall men.

Wait, two tall men?

I slowed down a bit and squinted my eyes.

Two men. One with blonde hair and one with dark hair, but these guys are-

"Remember me, doll? It's your old friend, Nobby."


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