Chapter 38 - The Final Day

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I slept hard that night, and was woken up hard as well. With a bang on my door and Kenta's aggressive voice yelling sweet words, I could almost feel my insides convulse. Sure, spending the day with Kenta wouldn't be half as painful as usual, but that doesn't mean that I adored his company and wanted to be best friends. The truth was, after all those years of practically hating the guy, my brain just didn't really have pleasant thoughts about him.

Not to mention I'd rather spend my day in other ways...

"(Y/n)? You aren't dead in there, are you?" His voice boomed again, a hearty laugh escaping his lungs after his own joke.

How did someone like Trisha fall in love with this meathead?

I groaned very loudly and heard Kenta laugh again. "Well, if you aren't coming out anytime soon, can I come in?"

I hope Kurapika didn't hear him say that...

His voice picked up again, this time not directed at me. "Ah, Kurapika! Good morning!"

Well, shit.

"Yes, you can come in." I mumbled in to my pillow, hearing the door open and two sets of footsteps come in to the room.

I sat up and laid my eyes on the two men, one of which I adored with every piece of myself, and one of which I found charming, but rather annoying. "Both of you are horrible. Can a lady never sleep in these days?" I groaned, rolling out of my bed.

Kenta immediately engulfed me in to a hug, to which I weakly fell into the man, my legs feeling weak and my feet hurting from all the dancing I had done the night before. "Awe, you're so small and fragile when you're tired!" He exclaimed, squeezing me closer in to him before releasing me.

I grabbed his ear and pulled it down to my mouth. "What are you doing? Kurapika is right there!" I whisper yelled, watching as Kenta put his mouth on my ear.

"Making him jealous~" Kenta replied, kissing my ear before I pushed him away in disgust.

"You're the worst." I spat, changing my gaze to Kurapika, who didn't really look uncomfortable at all.

Kurapika's probably not even the jealous type!

Well, who am I kidding, everyone is the jealous type...

"What? No good morning hugs from my hunter?" I teased, smirking at Kurapika.

He sighed and extended his arms and I laughed. "Don't get too excited." I said, hitting one of his arms down and walking to my closet. "You two wait here, I'll change." I stated, closing my closet door and shifting my eyes from rack to rack.

Ooh, perfect!

I put my usual flats on and skipped out of my closet, spinning in a circle

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I put my usual flats on and skipped out of my closet, spinning in a circle. "What do we think, boys?" I asked, looking up to the men.

They were both staring at me, Kurapika with his classic unreadable face, and Kenta with a smug smile that told me he had way too many plans for making Kurapika jealous.

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