Yall :(

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There is no update today :( I am so sorry but I have had three ten hour shifts in the last three days and have zero energy to put into writing. I'm pooped!

I haven't been feeling well lately because I miss my sister very much and have just felt rather icky, but your love and support makes everything worth it.

Do not fear, my energy will return as soon as I get more than 4 hours of sleep. I want to be proud of the chapters I post, and I want you guys to like them too!

And I CANNOT stress this enough, y'all's overwhelming support has brought so much light into my life and I can't explain how hyped I am that this book is actually getting kinda popular. I'm shook.

Anyways, updates will be back to normal by like tomorrow so please don't go away !! Maybe reread the book and leave me a shit ton of comments lmao, those bring me much joy.

Have a good day y'all! (Also do y'all want the next chapter to be a smut? I know we just had one but come on, it's a shower scene. It could be fluffy too, and the new update is a filler chapter, so it really doesn't matter either way. Give opinions in the comments!)

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