Chapter 61 - Everything Better

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"(Y/n)?" Kurapika's voice whispered, his tone confused and full of concern.

"Kurapika-" I cried, my legs giving out from under me.

I fell into my hunter and completely broke down, Kurapika softening my landing and holding me while I sulked on the floor. "Jesus, what happened?" He muttered, cupping my cheeks and bringing them up to face him.

I've seen you brutally torn apart but you're here and you're okay and I'm okay and-

"I love you." I sobbed, wrapping my arms around my hunter's neck and burying myself into is shoulder.

"Hey, shh shh you're alright, did you have a nightmare?"

I just whimpered into the blonde, pressing myself closer to him and trying to push the dreams to the back of my mind. "Come 'ere." Kurapika muttered, picking me up and closing his hotel room's door.

He carried me to his bed and gently set me down, climbing in directly after and wiping the tears off of my face. "You can't push me away. I know you're scared but- come on seeing you like this kills me." He murmured, pushing some hair behind my ear.

I extended my arms and sniffled, watching as Kurapika smiled to me softly and wrapped his arms around my waist just as he had done in Pethmers. "You can't ever die. Okay?" I mumbled, pressing my forehead to Kurapika's chest and inhaling his scent.

"Okay." He answered softly, placing a kiss on the top of my head before holding me even closer to him.

. . .

I woke up to the sound of rain pattering on the windows and opened my eyes.

Oh, right.

I groaned and stretched, turning over towards the window and shoving myself back into my hunter, who shifted slightly before curling around me. I smiled and watched the rain fall, enjoying the gloominess, as it wasn't painfully bright. The bed smelled incredibly comforting, and I was warm and being held by the person who I loved more than anything.

Fuck the nightmares, but god did they put me in a great position.

Kurapika's arm moved a bit, migrating from my torso up to in between my breasts. I took a deep breath and froze, suddenly remembering exactly what I was wearing from the night before. Looking down to the covers and inwardly cringing, I felt myself heat up as I laid eyes on the skimpy tank top and shorts that were just a bit too short to be casual. I looked back to Kurapika and heated up even more, seeing his bare chest and messy hair.

How did I not notice he didn't have a shirt on last night?!?


Okay, okay, calm down, there's nothing you can do about it now.

I stayed still for a minute before deciding everything would be fine, after all, who really cared anymore. Whatever boundaries Kurapika once had, they had definitely been torn down by now. I shrugged to myself and turned back over, cuddling into Kurapika's chest and studying all the scars scattered throughout his skin. I mindlessly placed my hand on a large cut, tracing the gash with my fingers.

"I got that one from the hunter exam."

Shit. He's awake.

I looked up to him. "Really?" I asked, gazing back down to the cut and covering it with my palm.

"I was a lot weaker back then, and to be quite honest I don't remember specifically how I got it..."

I scoffed. "Of course you don't... do you remember this one?" I asked, placing my fingers over a circular scar that still held a dark and faded red hue.

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