Chapter 97 - Back To Life

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(Most of you voted smut, but the people who didn't want smut were very adamant for some reason and I felt threatened)

Kurapika picked me up once more and I pressed my head to his heart, listening to the steady rhythm that reminded me just how alive we were. "Wanna dance? We haven't danced together in so long..." I trailed off, taking my head from Kurapika's chest and looking to me legs.

Oh. Never mind. Duh.


"Disregard that. I see the issue now and I take it back."

Kurapika chuckled and slowed down, not setting me on the bed, but instead backtracking to the center of the room. "What was it? A square, right?" He asked, looking down and beginning a sad example of a waltz square.

I started to laugh and he stopped. "Well don't laugh, it's only bad because I can't see my feet, you're in the way..." He grumbled, a slight smile on his face as he brought me back to the bed.

"You aren't supposed to look at your feet anyways, dummy!" I retorted.

Kurapika lazily dismissed me with his hand, climbing onto the bed and pulling my shirt up. I raised my eyebrow at him, but he didn't see, instead focusing intently on my torso. He placed his hand over one of the bandages that resided on my side, lowering himself down and placing a gentle kiss onto it. He placed his head softly onto my stomach and looked up to my eyes, his fingers trailing mindlessly up and down my arm.

I smiled at him and placed my hand into his hair, fiddling the ends of it, rolling the strands in between my fingers. "This hair of yours is getting long." I commented.

Kurapika hummed in reply, his eyes comfortably closed. "You'll need to teach me how to do that bun." He mumbled.

I laughed. "You in a man bun? Sounds great."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"Oh no I genuinely want to see you in a man bun. Dead serious."

It was Kurapika's turn to laugh this time, his tone slightly muffled from his position. He placed a fast kiss on my stomach before propping himself up, one arm on either side of me. "You are fantastic." He said finally. "You are fantastic and you are mine."

I couldn't help but smile. "I am yours, and you're... you're an idiot."

"H-Hey! You're supposed to be nice!" Kurapika playfully scolded, rolling his eyes when I stuck my tongue out at him.

He sat up and flopped down next to me, tilting his head slightly and taking a deep breath. "Hey, have you thought about— we don't have a lot of time before you're supposed to, you know..." Kurapika trailed off.

"I don't want to think about it." I said.

"But, I mean, you can't go back, can you?"


"We don't even know if that guy is your real father. I mean-"

"Can we talk about this later?"

"I- sure. Yeah— let's do that."

I nodded and took my hand from him, rolling to my side and staring at the wall.

I can't go back, but I need to know.

I need to know what really happened. I need to know the truth.

And if there is something wrong, some dark secret hidden within the clan, I need to get everyone I care about out of there.

Trisha, the kids, hell even Kenta.

I took a deep breath, wincing when pain came to my ribs. "... Want any medication?" Kurapika asked after a while, his hand travelling back to me, this time settling on my chest.

"I'll be fine. It's not that bad." I replied, rolling back towards Kurapika.

But, there is something we should talk about.

I averted Kurapika's eyes before speaking. "It was scary— being, you know, there. At the Phantom Troupe. I figured no one was coming for me, so, I don't know. I tried. Really hard. I turned into a tree for gods sake I... It was scary."

Kurapika put his hand on my cheek and I immediately crumbled, tears building in my eyes and lips trembling. "Oh, baby girl." Kurapika whispered, immediately cradling my head gently in his hands, placing kisses on my forehead. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"I see them. Everywhere. Every time I close my eyes. I don't know why. It's like I'm hallucinating." I cried, gripping onto Kurapika's shirt. "I want to scream. Or- kill something I don't— I don't know I feel broken."

Kurapika said nothing, just petting my hair and quietly lulling me with hushes. I let myself simmer down, breathing heavily and probably dampening Kurapika's shirt.

"Only seven minutes." Kurapika said after a long time, his voice almost surprising me.

"... What?"

"You cried for only seven minutes. I figured since you'd been bottling it up, you would've cried for much longer."

"Hmph." I grumbled, not bothering to attempt escaping Kurapika's grasp.

"I love you."

"You're stupid."

He chuckled. "Wrong answer."

I pushed myself up, running my hand through my hair and wiping my wet face. "I love you too. That doesn't change the fact that you're stupid."

Kurapika smiled, grabbing the collar of my shirt and lazily pulling me down to him. I giggled and let myself fall forward, pushing my nose into Kurapika's before pressing my lips to his for just a moment. I pulled away and tilted my head, laughing lightly when Kurapika furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" I asked.

"I wasn't done." Kurapika stated.

He gripped onto my collar tighter and pulled me down again, this time connecting our mouths, my bottom lip secured in between his. In that moment I remembered just what my life was, the kisses with my hunter that were unhurried and peaceful, the comforting scents and constant scenic rain. This was the life I wanted, the life I never wanted to leave.

You are my life, Kurapika, for I fear I've ever truly lived without you.

Authors note: Some nice angst is coming soon.

... and smut.

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