Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 2/3)

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Hak knew it the second he stepped into the room. She could see it in his eyes. Ivaylo left her side to greet the newcomer and she shivered, cold without his warmth.

Her brother noticed.

"Nightmare?" He asked quietly as she rubbed her temples wearily.

Her silence answered for her and she winced as Hani's overjoyed shriek pierced the air, carried clearly from downstairs.

They had undoubtedly started to open gifts. The children and the triplets were never very patient when it came to that but she didn't blame them. They all have had rough childhoods and they weren't even done yet. She was grateful that they still were able to find enjoyment in things now that they were out of those bad places.

But that dream. It made all of her worst fears feel like they had come true. Fragments of memories she had buried a long time ago flashed through her mind with such accuracy that it scared her.

"Oy, it's not your fault they won't leave you alone." Hak berated her, waving his hand in her face to get her to snap out of it. "Don't beat yourself up or I'll show you what that looks like."

"Oh, you think you can beat me?" A cocky grin stretched across her face even though he could see her still shaking. "I'd like to see you try, Marshy."

He raised an eyebrow at the nickname. "Not funny, Bat-Ears."

She stuck out her tongue at him, giggling slightly. "Way funny."

As he helped her up to her feet, he made a show of looking around.

"It's pretty cold in here." Hak noted, glancing at her from out of the corner of his eye.

Her throat bobbing as she swallowed and the way her eyes darted to avoid meeting his gaze confirmed his suspicions.

"You idiot!!" He yelled, almost dropping her in the process as he gestured wildly to the window.

"It's not my fault, don't yell at me!!" Calista whined back childishly, hoping to play it off as one of those things but he wasn't buying it.

The chill that she had caught last night combined with a horrifying dream was a lethal combination. The anxiety building up in her mind festered the longer she attempted to keep it at bay instead of dealing with it and the fact that she was ice cold to the bone didn't help at all.

"Stay right here, I'm getting Shin-ah." Hak decided with finality.

"No!!" She caught his arm as he tried to leave, clouded grey eyes desperate for him not to fulfill that.

He would worry too much. Hak was already overprotective, she didn't want to know how her boyfriend would react.

"I don't want to cause any trouble—"

"Yah, stop it with that." He ordered.

She shrunk back as he glared at her.

"It's no trouble, you idiot. What is trouble is you getting sick when it could've been avoided." He frowned at her, clicking his tongue in displeasure. "I should let Gramps tell you off."

"No!! Okay, okay, okay!!" She protested, surrendering immediately. "I'll be better, I promise!!"

The feared old man didn't mess around when it came to his grandkids' health. To any of them really.

Hak's look of triumph made her roll her eyes and as he started towards the doors again, her fingers crept underneath her pillow. Finding what she was looking for, she shoved it in her pocket before he could see.

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