Extra: Among Us [Oneshot] Modern AU

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Based off of the very popular game: Among Us. If you don't already know, it works like Mafia. There are two imposters in the game of ten players, and the rest are crewmates. No one knows who is who, but that's all part of the fun!! They have to deduce who is a killer and who isn't before everyone winds up dead.

Does our chaotic Happy Hungry Bunch have the skills for a mind game of this magnitude?


"Tell me, how did I cheat, White Snake, when you literally didn't know it was me?"


"That's not an answer."

"Hak, hush." Yona's scolding came clear on the other side. "Kija, calm down. He's just teasing you."

"I KNOW!!!" Kija wailed loudly, causing the others to burst out laughing.

Yona's giggles filtered through Calista's headphones from the discord call and she grinned. In the background, she could hear Kija and Hak still arguing from their separate rooms within the house and she couldn't help how giddy she felt.

This was going to be so fun.

They hadn't had a lot of time to get together and do activities like this with their schedules. School had started for all of them at the beginning of fall and with work catching up to them, it felt like they never had a minute to breathe.

Luckily, they all put in the effort to make time for each other.

Even though Zeno was currently in another part of the country and Jae-ha was at the university's library, supposedly studying. Yoon and the others were stationed at home for the time being, and they had about two hours before they were going to get called away again for an operation.

A couple players short, they had extended an invitation to a few others who were also involved in their line of work.

"Opal, stop pulling on my hair!!"

His childish whine could be heard through the chatter of the chaotic call. "But I wanted to play!!"

"You can next round." Nier interrupted matter-of-factly, his voice sounding far away compared to Opal's. "Trying to decapitate our brother will probably decrease your chances of joining though."

"... You can't even see me."

"I have eyes in the back of my head." The middle triplet stated flatly, ignoring his brothers as Yue finally freed himself long enough to scold the youngest sibling.

Tae-jun had left them alone for the day. Something about tending to a matter of national security with his father and brother. Either way, it didn't concern them and Heuk-chi, who was responsible for them while he was gone, had left the boys to their devices to stir up mischief before their legal guardian came home.

Jae-ha's deep chuckle cut through the speakers and reached her ears. "Perhaps it's time to get started?"

"Shin-ah, are you ready?" Calista spoke into her headset, laughing silently when she picked out the quiet noise of affirmation through the rest of the bickering.

"HAK, YOU BETTER NOT KILL ME FIRST THIS ROUND!!!!" Yoon yelled into the microphone causing everybody to wince at his volume.

The genius pretty boy was way too smart for his own good, he had been killed off first the last three rounds.

Hak's snicker made his sister slap a hand to her forehead. Taunting the one who was in charge of all of their meals wasn't the best idea. 

The idiot's gonna say something stupid.

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