Extra: Training [Oneshot]

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Calista stretched her arms above her head as she blinked her eyes open lazily. Springing down from her perch, she rolled with the impact, the noise waking everyone else up.

"I'm sooooo glad you're feeling better." Yoon muttered sarcastically, half asleep. "Stop making so much noise in the morning, you stupid fighter!!"

She jumped back at the hostility in his tone, but recovered quickly. The boy didn't like to be bothered too early and while she didn't blame him, this was too important.

Hak sat up, and Yona copied him, rubbing her eyes sleepily as she slowly came to.

Calista placed her hands on her hips impatiently as everyone else stirred with the exception of Zeno. He was spread out like a starfish on the ground, tongue sticking out of his mouth comically.

"We need to train today!!"

Yona's eyes flew open and leaped to her feet, grabbing her bow and arrows eagerly, but she was the only one who did.

Hak glared at his sister through half-lidded eyes.

"And why would we need to do that right now when we could sleep for another hour?"

A chorus of varying tenors groaned in agreement and she frowned.

Yoon grumbled in frustration, wriggling down like a snake until he was completely encased in his sleeping bag in an attempt to block out the rising volume to stay in his bubble of peace and quiet.

Calista shot him an apologetic look even though he could no longer see her. A sly grin spread across her face as Kija and Jae-ha begrudgingly rose to their feet, Shin-ah following suit not long after.

"We have a lot of different fighting styles, it's important to practice with each other in order to match up our synergy." She stated.

Hak raised an eyebrow, then pushed himself up to his feet with a dramatic roll of his eyes, picking up his large spear.

"Alright, Bat-Ears, you win."

Calista clapped her hands together gleefully, only to freeze when a scathing glare was thrown her way by an exhausted pretty boy. She ushered them deeper into the forest so that they wouldn't make him any angrier, lest they all go without food for the next couple days.

Yona chatted animatedly to her on the way there, but Calista was only listening with half an ear, mind buzzing with possible strategies and tactics. The princess stopped talking once she realized the assassin's attention was otherwise occupied, shuffling over to Hak for him to keep her company.

Shin-ah fell into step beside her, Jae-ha taking up her other side.

The trees were densest here, and they would provide cover nicely for their exercise. She was a tad bit worried about leaving Yoon alone, but Zeno was with him, so that set her at ease a little.

"First off," Calista announced loudly, "We'll spar with each other. Get a feel of the other's fighting style and then we'll move on to team tactics."

Yona tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Team tactics?"

Calista stretched her limbs, prepping for the intense workout ahead of them. "The best use of all our abilities combined in a large-scale battle."

Yona nodded in understanding and Hak stepped up, smirking. He looked much more awake than five minutes before. 

"Guess we're first, Bat-Ears."

She grinned confidently, drawing her daggers. The others backed away, standing off to the side as they started to circle each other.

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