Chapter 86: New Destination

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Abruptly, Yoon got to his feet. "I know this is sudden, but I will announce our next destination." He hesitated as everyone turned to look at them, and Calista gave him a nod of encouragement.

"I want to go to the Kai Empire for a little while."

Calista sank back discreetly, already aware of this information. He had asked her to scout ahead of time with Jae-ha and agreed to keep it hush-hush until the youngest had made a decision. Hiding a wince, she shifted uncomfortably, trying not to draw attention to herself. She rolled her shoulders inconspicuously, attempting to ease the soreness from the battle a couple nights ago.

"We're going to the Kai Empire?!" Yona bounced up and down, already excited.

"Yeah." The pretty boy confirmed, turning his attention back to the stew bubbling in the pot.

"Are you serious, Yoon? That's enemy territory." Hak cut in, thinking about how difficult it would be to keep them all safe during this trip.

"It's not like you." Kija added on, a slight frown on his face. "You're usually very cautious. Why Kai?"

"I am cautious but there is something in the Kai Empire that has piqued my interest." Yoon explained to him. "And it isn't just a passing interest."

Jae-ha lifted the book he was reading off of his face. It was the one Calista had given to Yoon as an apology before the green dragon had joined their group. To be honest, he didn't find it particularly interesting but there was nothing else to do and he was bored.

Tapping the wooden spoon on the edge of the pot a couple of times to get all the food off, Yoon set it off to the side. "It's the land north of the Fire Tribe, so it's colder. I'm curious as to how the Kai citizens are surviving. Maybe, just maybe, there might be a plant that can be cultivated in the Fire Tribe's infertile fields."

"Isn't it dangerous for the princess, though?"

Kija brought up a good point and Yoon nodded, putting a finger against his chin. "Yeah, that's why I was hesitating."

"We already stand out as it is..." He snapped his fingers, mind made up. "Yona and the Thunder Beast can wait at Ik-soo's place. If Jae-ha and either Shin-ah or Kija came with... then—"

"I'm coming with." Calista interjected, shooting up eagerly.

Zeno tottered in the back. "What about Zeno~"

"Not with that stalker on your tail." Hak shot down his sister, blatantly ignoring the hyper yellow dragon. "It's too dangerous for you to do alone. You need one of us."

She bristled at the implication. "I don't need anybody." She hissed, then immediately regretted it as she saw the crestfallen faces of her friends.

Shin-ah's head tilted at her aggressiveness. He had noticed she had been on edge for a couple of days now, but couldn't pinpoint why. And it wasn't as if she came to him about it, so he didn't press the issue but he was getting worried.

The others brushed it off, chalking it up to an accidental slip of the tongue, even Hak didn't question it.

"You're going for the sake of Kouka, right?" Yona asked, lavender eyes somber. "I'm going if you've already decided, Yoon."

"That's what I thought you'd say." He smiled to himself, ducking his head down to hide how his heart shook at her loyalty. "Well then, let's go. To the Kai Empire."

The group traveled through the barren wastelands of the Fire Tribe, and crossed the mountains, coming to stop before a huge valley. The forest had become extremely dense during their last leg of the journey, no one had seen them leaving Kouka and the high cliffs on the other side of the valley would enable them to remain hidden.

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