Chapter 165: Tentative Waters

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After they parted ways, Calista changed really quickly back into her regular attire.

She heaved a huge sigh of relief. Having her own clothes back on her body felt like heaven and all her knives and daggers strapped back where they belonged felt leagues more comfortable than that smooth silk robe.

The squirrel was sitting on top of her head from where Shin-ah had passed the animal back to her, and Calista tossed her cloak across her shoulders, throwing the hood up.

And a few minutes later, she and Yona had regrouped with Lili, Ayura and Tetora.

Perched on a tree stump, Lili's eyes were filled with subtle awe, gently petting Ao as she watched Yona practice her swordsmanship.

Calista had given the squirrel to her to keep her company when she caught her looking longingly at her. She was willing to bet that the girl hadn't been around too many animals that often.

"You really are learning how to swing a sword." Lili commented, admiration lacing her tone.

But her expression dropped as Yona's stance wobbled. "You look weak though."

"Isn't that cute~" Tetora cooed, clasping her hands joyfully from beside Ayura.

Yona blew the hair out of her face and flashed her a sheepish smile, lowering her practice sword.

"Your swings look good though." Ayura cut in, giving her two cents while giving the assassin sitting up in a tree a side eye glance.

Calista watched proudly from her perch, looking down on the princess with one leg dangling off the branch, the other propped up. She initially was her sparring partner, giving the other three a brief demonstration but after about ten minutes, the two girls were out of breath and were going to be in need of another bath if they kept up the intensive training.

Still, a proud grin threatened to overtake her facial expression at the determined glint in the princess' eye that was normally reserved for when they ran into trouble.

Yona panted but her eyes were shining and a wide beam split her delicate features at Ayura's praise. "Really?!"

Ayura nodded, her arms folded over her chest as she studied her closely. "Yes, you have no wasted movements. You must have a good teacher."

Yona's face broke out in a smile and her eyes crinkled at the edges happily. Hak got praised!!

Calista held back a snicker as she heard that. It was true that Hak was a good mentor, but no way was she going to tell him that. His ego was already huge.

Flipping a slim blade in between her fingers, her head thumped back against the tree. She didn't wear her mask. Didn't need it.

"... Hak and the others," Yona said as she set down the wooden sword, her eyes growing worried when the glow of the sunset washed over her. "They're late."

And as the princess gazed up to catch her eye, Calista shrugged, giving her a helpless shake of the head. It wasn't like she knew how much longer this would take and she had no way of contacting them unless she left to go find them directly.

But she was sure they were alright.


Look, it wasn't as though she could control everything and if she had it her way, she would be everywhere at once so that she could protect them all. But that wasn't possible.

Lili raised an eyebrow, passing over Calista's contemplative silence in favor of responding to Yona. "They're at the red-light district, right? They won't come back until morning."

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