Chapter 34: The Chase

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The little girl leaped up as her face lit up with recognition. "You...Y-You're—" Hani's small voice cracked, unable to finish her sentence. Instead, she threw herself at the older girl, tiny limbs gripping weakly onto her tunic.  

Calista brought her shoulders back, tucking her mangled hands and throbbing wrists out of sight so that the little girl wouldn't see their pitiful state. Hani had already been through more than most people would ever experience in a lifetime. There was no need to add anything else to that list. 

Blocking out the pain that came with the movement, she desperately tried to focus on the distraught child in front of her. 

The raven-haired girl crouched down, precariously balancing on the balls of her feet. However, without her hands out to steady her, that was easier said than done. She managed though, and once she was successfully eye-level with the little girl, grey eyes swept over Hani, scanning for any signs of injury. 

Her eyebrows knitted together when she saw the dirt encasing her skin, but otherwise, the girl was unharmed. The only thing that stuck out was how gaunt the little girl looked, like she hadn't been eating. 

"What happened?" Calista asked quietly, keeping an alert eye on the mouth of the passageway. "Where are your parents?"

Hani fiddled with her thumbs, feet scraping at the dirt below, kicking up a cloud of dust. She refused to answer her. 

Her silver eyes hardened in anger. 

Helpless, innocent eyes stared back at her and Calista cursed herself for being so worthless.

Maybe if you hadn't been so caught up with yourself, you would have noticed something was wrong. The voice in her head nagged. 

"C'mere, little one," Ignoring it for now, she coaxed the shaking child forward, shushing her softly. "I'm here now. My name is Calista, you don't need to be afraid..."

Hani hiccupped across from her, distrust swirling in the depths of her gaze. Calista stood up, her legs were burning from staying in that position for too long. 

But to the little girl, it looked as if she was going to head back out towards the town. The child cried out feebly, "N-Not... s-safe!"

Calista gave her a reassuring smile, not moving from her spot. Hani didn't want her to go out, and she agreed, not really in the mood to deal with the trickle of strangers undoubtedly closing up shop for the night. 

A lone light flickered in the distance, causing a frown to appear on her features. 

The sun was setting, painting the sky with petal pinks and light lavender. It contrasted the darkness that settled over the alley. Too soon, it would be dark, and it would be impossible for her to protect them both. 

She shuddered, a chill running down her spine. 

"We can't stay here, Hani. I'll keep you safe." Calista reassured her, praying that she would come with her. "I promise." 

Dirtied blonde hair swayed slightly as Hani moved cautiously towards her. It made the older girl's expression contort worriedly at her reluctance. Normally, she would have more patience 

They were running out of time.

Calista closed her eyes, calming her speeding heart. She needed to deal with this delicately. "Do you remember me?"

Hani gave her a timid nod.

The corner of her mouth turned up in a slight smile. "Then you would know, I wouldn't hurt you, little one. Please, come with me."

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