Chapter 51: Farewell to Friends

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Calista was going to punch the next person that asked her if she was feeling okay enough to travel. The only person that hadn't gotten on her nerves yet was Yona.

The princess suggested timidly at the fighter who had her nose turned up stubbornly. "We should wait at least another day."

"Absolutely not."

"We're waiting another day."

"Shut up, Hak. We're leaving today."

"But Calista, you are unwell!"

"Appreciate it, Kija, but I'm fine."

The disgruntled noise another emitted left a sour taste in her mouth. "You too, Shin-ah?!" 

"Oy, Bat-Ears. Catch."

Calista flawlessly caught his glaive as he threw it at her, twirling it with ease before pointing it at him challengingly, raising an eyebrow. Hak nodded in approval, satisfied.

"She's fine."

"What kind of brain-dead system is that?!"

She blocked out the rest of Yoon's rant, sashaying over to Shin-ah. "I never apologized for my actions prior to the mission. I'm very sorry for upsetting you, I never meant to, but I will do better in the future."

He shook his head, leaning down to whisper so that only she could hear him.

"And I'm sorry.... for upsetting you."

She was flabbergasted. "When did you do that? I don't remember that."

"After the market... Yoon and I... tried to get you to eat."

He was thinking about that time she had lost control and gave into the panic that consumed her. She was stunned. 

"Shin-ah, that was so long ago!!" Calista exclaimed. "Tell me you aren't still thinking about that!!"

He ducked his head shamefully and her heart twinged. Hooking a finger underneath his chin, she urged him to face her. Even though she couldn't see through his mask, she knew he was meeting her gaze.

"Oh... Shin-ah..." Calista murmured regretfully, ashamed she hadn't picked up on it earlier. It had to be gnawing away at him. "It wasn't your fault that happened."

He hesitated. "It's not?"

She shook her head firmly. "No, it most certainly is not."

"Then..." Shin-ah thought long and hard. It wasn't difficult to remember what happened, but he didn't know the words he was looking for.

"What triggered it?" Calista suggested helpfully. He nodded and she sighed. "Well, something Yoon said reminded me of how my previous master would speak, but only when he was incredibly disappointed in me and it usually resulted in punishment. I suppose that was responsible for my reaction."


She didn't get a chance to reply as Yoon ushered them out towards the town.

It was time to say goodbye.

They arrived at the gate shortly after the pirates did. They all wanted to see them one last time before they set off to continue their adventure. Hani was happily skipping around the pirates, never straying too far from the captain's side, oblivious to the magnitude of the farewell.

Captain Gi-gan gifted Yoon some more senjusou, and he accepted it eagerly, thanking her immediately. She then handed Calista the shirt and pants Yoon had made, along with her satchel and assortment of weapons that she had left behind on her ship when on her undercover mission.

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