Chapter 8: Fuuga

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"Well, isn't this a welcome sight." The Thunder Beast drawled.

Calista peered around Hak and clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. It had taken a couple days, but they eventually reached Fuuga. Tae-woo and Han-dae, the two guards who were supposedly on-duty, were fast asleep. Yona had stayed silent for most of the journey there, still only moving where Hak led her, but now that they had arrived, Calista noticed a flicker of light in her eyes.

With a roll of his eyes, Hak kicked them. The blonde haired boy cried out, opening his eyes immediately, "What was that?!" Han-dae exclaimed.

The dark haired boy, Tae-woo, kept whining, but was interrupted when Hak asked, "Does this tribe think patrolling is when you take afternoon naps?"

The two boys looked up at him, startled, "Lord Hak?!"

He raised his hand in greeting, "Yo."

"Calista!" Han-dae cheered. Calista smiled at him, but he noticed her eyes were sad. Frowning, he lowered his hands and jabbed his companion in his side harshly.

"Ouch!" Tae-woo glared at his friend, "What was that for?!"

The blonde-haired boy shot a pointed glance at the noticeably disheartened girl. Tae-woo lifted an eyebrow in silent questioning as his eyes met the Thunder Beast, who just shrugged in response. The two guards shared a confused look. It wasn't normal for the general and his sister to clash like this.

Any potential opportunity for further questions vanished as the rest of the Wind Tribe recognized their general at Fuuga's gates.

"The young chief-"

"Lord Hak!"

"It's been a long time!"

As the clamor around them rose, Calista dropped back to Yona's side.

"Your Highness?" She asked softly, eyes widening in alarm as the princess collapsed. "Hak!"

Her voice rose in volume, cutting through the noise of the villagers, and he glanced back at her, double-taking when he saw Yona unconscious in her arms. He strode forward, gathering the princess in his arms.

"Prepare a bed and meal immediately." Hak ordered firmly.

"Y-Yes sir!"

As they walked towards the houses of the settlement, Calista's grey eyes flocked to Hak's tense form. He had eased a little since they've arrived, but the shock of King Il's murder and getting chased out of the castle had taken a toll on him. Now that things had started to slow down a bit since they made it here safely, she had no doubt that the guilt and second thoughts were going to be plaguing his mind.

He exhaled heavily, Calista turning her head at the sound, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

"I'm fine." He didn't spare her a glance, cobalt eyes still trained on the sleeping princess in his embrace. "Where is Gramps... Elder Mundok?"

"Elder Mundok is at Hiryuu Castle." Han-dae replied nonchalantly.

Calista's eyes widened and Hak's jaw clenched as they realized what this meant.

Soo-won was gathering the five tribes of Kouka Kingdom.

The murderer of the former King planned to ascend the throne and become King of Kouka.

The villagers dispersed as Han-dae and Tae-woo ushered Hak, Calista and the unconscious princess inside one of the rooms in the mansion, where Mun-dok resided. Hak gently placed Yona down, covering her with a warm blanket with a pained smile on his face. Calista watched him fondly from the doorway as he rearranged her pillows so she was laying down comfortably. After several more minutes of him checking and then re-checking to make sure everything was satisfactory, he finally turned to her.

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