Chapter 20: The Gang's Antics

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They were traveling near the border of the Fire Tribe, Hak and Calista not being too keen on running into them again. Yet, with all of the commotion going on between the two troublesome beasts, Calista was starting to wonder if going through the enemy's land would've been better than having the urge to chop off her ears.

"You're doing great even though you're not used to traveling, Great White Snake." Hak jested, the smug grin on his face irritating Kija. 

"If you call me a snake one more time I will cut out your throat. Do you think I will grow tired just because of this?" He hissed back.

"Well, won't you start missing your village soon?" Her brother was finding way too much amusement in this. 

"What are you saying? The Princess asked for my help!" Kija's face was starting to turn red with annoyance.

Hak was slightly taller than Kija, making him appear more intimidating but Calista had a feeling the esteemed Hakuryuu could hold his own against him. Kija was a unique mix of gullible and clueless, and had already fallen for all of Hak's tricks.

"There may come a time when I will have to protect you, too." Kija crossed his arms defiantly, refusing to back down. Calista rolled her eyes humorously.

Hak mirrored his actions. "A pampered lord like you probably can't even fight." 

Calista was seriously starting to wish that she didn't have 'bat ears'. She was this close to smacking them both in the face. 

The princess beat her to it.

"Stop it." Yona swiftly punched both of them simultaneously and Calista barked out a loud laugh. 

Their heads snapped back at the force that she delivered and it was a sight Calista would never forget. Even Yoon cracked a smile, though the eye roll that followed indicated that annoyance triumphed over his humor this time around.

"You're going to be traveling together from now on, so don't fight." Yona instructed firmly.

Kija had the sense to look guilty while Hak just chuckled, ignoring her words. 

"I apologize, Princess." Kija spoke contritely, bowing regretfully. 

"Hak! This is the first time Kija's been outside his village and he is very uncertain right now, don't pick on him!" Yona directed to her bodyguard.

"I'm not-" Kija started protesting.

"Kija! Being a bully is Hak's hobby, so don't pay any mind to him!" She reassured a sheepish Hakuryuu.

"Hobby...?" Hak muttered.

They both sputtered ignorantly at the princess' words and Calista high-fived Yona proudly for putting them in their place. A grin spread unwillingly across her features.

She had forgotten how long it's been since she felt this kind of ease with her previous master.

Before he... changed...

"Kija." Yoon tapped him on the shoulder, and Hakuryuu twisted to find the pretty boy looking eagerly up at him. 

He hastily introduced himself to Kija before getting to what he wanted to ask him. "You can sense the presence of the other dragons right? Tell me which one is closest."

Kija closed his eyes. "I feel that the closest one is..."

Calista leaned forward in anticipation.

Can he sense him...?

"Seiryuu perhaps..." Kija trailed off.

"Ah, so you know who it is too..." Yoon murmured and Calista breathed out a small sigh of relief, even though she was still confused.

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