Chapter 92: Jealousy

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Warning: Suggestive themes

As the Fire Festival ended, the energetic and lively atmosphere was placated by Yona's graceful dancing.

Calista's leg swung leisurely as it hung off the side of the branch. Yoon was within her sights, thankfully. She didn't want another repeat with the grouchy elder, but it seemed like he had come around to being at least courteous towards them.

Thank you, Yona.

Her performance had certainly done a number on the skeptical villagers, most choosing to mingle with the group after the princess was finished, much to everyone's surprise.

Calista's eyes were trained on the dragons, who were being swarmed by the adoring girls, and one dragon in particular seemed to be getting a lot of attention.

Her eyes slitted ever so slightly and she swallowed thickly as the unfamiliar emotion rose up in her again.

Shin-ah was crowded with several pretty girls who were fawning over him, and even from far away, she could hear them trying to get him to talk, to remove his mask and let them see his eyes.

His eyes.

Once one girl had the audacity to touch the white, horned mask, despite him furiously shaking his head no and backing away, she had enough. Hopping down from her perch, she didn't notice the pain that shot through her ankles as she landed heavily. She stalked towards the group with that same, barely repressed emotion from earlier simmering inside.

Jae-ha's eyebrow raised as the usually collected fighter breezed past him, and a telling smirk set on the edge of his mouth when he saw where she was headed. Nudging Kija in the side to get his attention, the white dragon shot him a confused look, expression only clearing slightly when he followed the elder's gaze.

"What is she doing?" Kija asked curiously, unaware of the storm brewing.

The green dragon grinned, waving Hak over to watch as he saw him come their way. "Just watch."

The village girls had cornered the poor blue dragon against a wall and were closing in.

"C'mon!! Won't you take off your mask for us?" A beautiful girl batted her eyelashes at him, leaning forward eagerly, vastly encouraged when she saw him blush in embarrassment.

"Pleaseeeeee~" Another begged.

"He's so mysterious!!" One with fair hair and a pale complexion chimed in dreamily.

They weren't deterred as he violently waved his hands in front of him, as a desperate plea to leave him alone and packed around him so close that breathing normally became a difficult task.

Calista just barely restrained herself from barfing in disgust once she was within earshot. Hearing the things they were saying to him made her want to turn the other way and leave it all behind, but that unfamiliar emotion had clouded her mind and before she knew what she was doing, she was marching over.

Grabbing Shin-ah by the collar of his coat, she yanked him down to her level.

The collection of shocked gasps that sounded from all around them did nothing to stop her from smashing her lips on his in front of them.

Pulling back, she was sure her silver eyes were burning with that same, turbulent emotion as she took his hand, dragging him out of there. Shin-ah stumbled after her, taken aback by her sudden entrance and the kiss but he followed where she led nonetheless, even more confused than before when she brought him to the very edge of Senri Village.

Here, no one could see them and he looked down at her expectantly. He was grateful for her saving him when she did, but he also knew that something had irked her.

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